Gabriel's Spawn Diary -- F2

I think that you are setting a good example, Synirr, by demonstrating responsible husbandry. :nod:
We made it to two weeks! I'm still losing about a fry a day, but I'm doing my best :X
Still no signs of illness, and we're happy and healthy *knock on wood*!
EDIT: And I just noticed my first DT, woohoo!!

"Brine shrimp everywhere!"

"I will use my blindingly white colouration to make it impossible for you to take good pictures of me, HAHA!"

This will be the goofy one that's constantly trying to swim up the syphon and make everything difficult, I can already tell.

View from above

Last one ^_^
Beautiful! I think I want Goofy.

I almost have the housing blueprints in my head for new housing. :p :D
They're looking great! I can't believe some of them are so white! I wonder what they'll look like all grown up.
That's funny our spawns were 1 day apart from each other!
I only have 9 left though, they're all big and feisty though.
Those dark ones are really cute, i would have thought that i would have dark ones with kaden being so dark but there's not real colour yet with mine.
hahaha I picked up some tanks today. Should be good for about 8 boys. Now I have room for Goofy too. :p
They're getting so big, next week they REALLY start to look like bettas! :wub:

Lookit, a shiny one ALREADY!

Dark DT

Light DT

Whatchoo talkin' 'bout?

So pretty and white :wub:

Chillin' by the thermometer

BBS tummy

And last one, a dark singletail
Nice looking spawn :D

Question. Are all of your fry growing at the same rate? Some of my fry on the third week are already showing full betta form (but no color yet), others still look like tadpoles...

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