Thanks guys, I feel better about it now...
I just wanted to rant about Gabe today, because he is still in with the fry and being an
excellent daddy!! I can't say enough about him, there's no way I could have asked for better

. I thought he might cull the ones that don't swim right himself, but no, he's still babying them, taking them into his mouth and bringing them to the surface, but leaves all the others alone to do their thing. Today we had our first meal of BBS and they were a big hit (my hatchery failed yesterday because I forgot to dechlor, otherwise we would have had them sooner), and I actually caught Gabe eating BBS with his babies!

I had no idea he could even see them to eat them!
He also did a magic trick for me yesterday... I fed him some bloodworms and saw him munch one, THEN spit out a mouthful of fry! I dunno how he could separate food from fry in his mouth, but the fry were completely unharmed so I guess he could!