Funny Things That have happened



(Spam out banana time.)

:banana: :banana: :banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana:

Now time for the actual image:
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As you can see, the whole finger nail peeled back. It took about a year for the nail to grow back. At one time, it was completely gone.
Nice. I broke my leg jumping of a bunk bed because my leg hit a pole
I was thrown from a horse once, and broke my shoulder. It wasn't the horse's fault though. The owner of the stable was extremely negligent and let me ride a horse that was too small and old to hold my weight. Afterwards, the owner had the horse sent to a farm where she was killed so that no one could examine her to see exactly how old she was and if she had any medical conditions that could prevent her from holding my weight. It was really awful.
I was thrown from a horse once, and broke my shoulder. It wasn't the horse's fault though. The owner of the stable was extremely negligent and let me ride a horse that was too small and old to hold my weight. Afterwards, the owner had the horse sent to a farm where she was killed so that no one could examine her to see exactly how old she was and if she had any medical conditions that could prevent her from holding my weight. It was really awful.
That's terrible. The barn I was at was really bad, definitely not up to code.

My worst fall luckily had no broken bones, just a concussion and some bad bruises
My only bad experience with a horse was when I was in the Dominican Republic we went on a trail ride. This trail was realy bumpy and the whole time my man area hurt because of the bumps Other than that my horse and 2 others would randomly stop to eat some of the vegetation on the trail they slowed the whole group down a bit. Also there was a time we’re the biggist horse in the group randomly attacked my grandmas horse and the one I was riding ran over and stopped the attacker. It was so cute he was like a horse superhero:rofl:
I was thrown from a horse once, and broke my shoulder. It wasn't the horse's fault though. The owner of the stable was extremely negligent and let me ride a horse that was too small and old to hold my weight. Afterwards, the owner had the horse sent to a farm where she was killed so that no one could examine her to see exactly how old she was and if she had any medical conditions that could prevent her from holding my weight. It was really awful.
That's terrible. The barn I was at was really bad, definitely not up to code.

My worst fall luckily had no broken bones, just a concussion and some bad bruises
When my eldest daughter was about 9-10 yrs old we went to a place we’re someone was selling moving boxes (someone’s house). My hubby, youngest girl and I were in the car and Tegan my eldest was stuffing around so hubby started to drive off just to scare her and as he looked in the rear view mirror there was Tegan on the ground bawling her eyes out. Well he got a great kick out of it even till this day and she is still haunted by it. Every time we drive past the place she says Remember that place, I hate that place!!!
When my eldest daughter was about 9-10 yrs old we went to a place we’re someone was selling moving boxes (someone’s house). My hubby, youngest girl and I were in the car and Tegan my eldest was stuffing around so hubby started to drive off just to scare her and as he looked in the rear view mirror there was Tegan on the ground bawling her eyes out. Well he got a great kick out of it even till this day and she is still haunted by it. Every time we drive past the place she says Remember that place, I hate that place!!!
That’s to funny. :rofl:
Okay. I got one.

When I was at a festival, four kids out of nowhere approach me and said that they love my videos and thought I was a famous YouTuber. I was weirded out because I'm not a famous YouTuber and this is the first time someone said something like that to me. They also wanted me to take a selfie with them and I obliged. After those kids took that selfie and left, I felt awkward.
Okay. I got one.

When I was at a festival, four kids out of nowhere approach me and said that they love my videos and thought I was a famous YouTuber. I was weirded out because I'm not a famous YouTuber and this is the first time someone said something like that to me. They also wanted me to take a selfie with them and I obliged. After those kids took that selfie and left, I felt awkward.
That is too funny
Okay, I have another one too.

So, this was in first grade and I was about six.
We were talking about what foods were good for you, and we had one of those food pyramids that show you how much of which type of food you should eat every day. My teacher asked us all to name some vegetables, and we all said things like lettuce, broccoli, and carrots. Then she asked us to name some fruits. All the other students said things like apples, oranges, and pears, but I, being the little showoff that I was, said tomatoes.
My teacher replied with, "No, that's not a fruit, that's a vegetable." and I replied, "No, a tomato is a fruit, not a vegetable." We went back and forth like that for a while, until my teacher finally said, "Just pick something else, I'm not arguing about this with you." So, I chose another fruit, but was angry about it the whole day.
The next morning, when I came into school, my teacher pulled me aside and, in a hushed tone, said, "I looked it up. You were right, a tomato is a fruit. I'm sorry." I was so proud that I had been smarter than my teacher. I just beamed at her and said, "That's alright." then went into the class room.
Now, looking back on it, the whole thing was pretty funny and ridiculous, but at that time, I was so happy and proud of myself. I talked about that for years. :rofl:
Probably not suited on here but I’ll tell you anyways. During the time with mum I’d have a drink just to try and get through it all well one night we’d gone through a lot with her in hospital. So I ended up downing 2 bottles of wine quickly and it hit me that hard that I was legless pretty much. My eldest girl thought it was that funny that she put it all over Snapchat :rolleyes:
Probably not suited on here but I’ll tell you anyways. During the time with mum I’d have a drink just to try and get through it all well one night we’d gone through a lot with her in hospital. So I ended up downing 2 bottles of wine quickly and it hit me that hard that I was legless pretty much. My eldest girl thought it was that funny that she put it all over Snapchat :rolleyes:
My friend who was living with me videoed me talking to myself and posted it on snapchat :rofl:

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