Thanks for all of the kind words everyone

and minnnt, I know! They are going to have to wait though

I am considering pinching bits off of the wisteria and planting them elsewhere along the back though.
But - it's confession time...I was a little bit naughty yesterday...
I decided to head down to Maidenhead and see if they had any otos in stock, sadly they didn't. They did, however, have some gorgeous, tiny (just under 3cm/1.5" I think) baby bristlenose plecs. I was overcome with the cuteness and got two
Annnd my husband showed a rare interest in fish and said I should go ahead and get some cardinals and well I had to take advantage of this rare and strange oppurtunity (far be it for me to discorage him!) and got 6! Everyone was put in the tank at about 5pm yesterday and so far so good! The cardinals seem happy and the BNs are very outgoing and have been happily grazing from the moment they went in the tank. I'm new to BNs but I don't think these guys are the bog-standard variety, they both have white edges on their fins and in the pictures I can find on 'tinternet only the snowball plecos seem to have that. Let me know what you think!
The is the best pic I could get of the cardinals lol
BN 1
BN 2 (is slightly bigger with a different spot pattern and not as outgoing as the littler one)
This is the best I could do on the cards - I quckly lost patience with a kitten climbing my leg
I've also decided that I'm not going to keep the green lasers long term. Well at least I'm nearly decided on that. They were very much an impulse buy for me and I've had my stocking plan in my head for so long that I've not really been able to accept the change. There's no rush to move them on though so I'll make sure everyone is 100% fit before I do anything. Plus all of my stock (apart from the betta and maybe the rasboras) are juveniles so there's really no rush.