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Thanks buddies!!! :D

Sure Salam! Come on over! :p

There's quite a lot more bacopa behind that big bit o' wood - it's going through rough times after being introduced to the tank but luckily you can't really see it hehe
Also, I don't use a mirror or anything with the betta he just does that! Especially if I turn the filter off, for some reason he goes nuts flaring all over the joint - go figure!

My new guy does this too. Guess it's just how the pretty Hms do it! lol :lol:
Well, since none of you wimps would man up and tell me to dose this carbon or not I've only gone and did it! If my vallis dies you're ALL to blame!
May as well start with the FTS since stu is being all whiny about it ;)
Worth the wait.If nothing else you do take a good snap

Vallis looks good to me, what's the fuss about.

Your vallis is a million times better then this crap I bought. Its not even 12 inches yet because I keep having to cut off the leaves the idiot seller chopped with scissors.
errr, what are you supposed to do?

I'm assuming you know this, but if you cut a Vallis stem, that particular stem doesn't grow any further.Removing stems from the 'crown' at the substrate will encourage new growth.
Just go ahead and dose the EC (don't OD though), the Vals will do one of 2 things.
If they die, then Ian will thank me for it.
haha. Yeah see? Thats my problem. The chopped vallis leaves are just ugly and melty, but i would have had to strip them ALL off, so instead I planted and waited for new growth, now I am stripping a few off every few days. It wasn't worth the money.
Ahh K so if I get a leaf that's too long I should just take off the whole leaf? :/ that makes baby #92### cry stu.

Thanks...."if nothing else" boooyeeee betta watch yoself! Trust me it's still melting I keep thinking it's done and then I see another leaf start to go to bits, ugh. I should have shown you guys a FTS before the melt there was loads of it!

Do you think I should just dose every second day? I can see a minute amount of algae starting to form so I do need to be using it...annoyingly.

Also my BNs are going to town on some courgette right now, they are finally at a size where they can do some real damage lol before when I put it in I wouldn't be sure if they'd eaten any haha - they are destroying it! I took a video
you'll be graced with it eventually.
Question. If I'm dosing the carbon every second day. How do I dose the ferts? ian said I should increase my TPN+ to 9ml a day but is that just on days I dose carbon and I then dose my usual 3ml on the other days?
hmmm. Your being complicated. :lol: Why not try it, if you see any deficiencies you could raise the dose easily. I know in my tank estimative index dosing means I am overdosing ferts slightly and that's one reason you do the 50% water change a week.
What's new :p

I was wondering about that with EI, I've noticed people, including you, talking about a "rest day" where you don't dose. What's that all about?
You overdose the tank 3 days of macro and 2 days of the traces "micro" Then 2 days to rest and allow plants to take in the excess. Then big water change to reset.

I did 50% changes anyway a week so no big deal. EI is nice because you just toss it in and know theres no way anything is lacking. {except my stupid swords with the dark veins}
If a Vallis leaf gets too long, you can cut it back to the length that you want.However it won't regrow again, and eventually the edge will melt.Either keep pruning down, or better to remove.
When cutting back, i like to cut at an angle;diagonal if you will;with sharp scissors.
Not sure about EI dosing with liquid carbon.EI was intended to be used with co2 gas.Carbon is not as effective as co2.

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