From 48 To 180 In 3.0 Seconds Flat

I've always wondered about doing that, like if it will burn out the motor or something....
I don't see why it would. I turned the input down but left the output at full capacity so all water coming in is going out. It came with media but all it had were some ceramics and 2 bags of carbon (I think one is purigen) I had enough room to add 2 cartridges (temporary) 6 sponges 2 water polishing pads, 2 huge biowheels and double the ceramics. And some floss
Cool :) Yeah I was thinking about it in terms of turning down the output, but then the pump is still pulling hard but only getting a little? I actually have no idea whay I'm on about soo... :p

And the more media you cram in the the less the flow will be so :good:
planting planting planting
keep them fingers planting



silly yank
Who me??

It's only a leeetle planting so don't get all turned on for no reason kids :p
Just a random little update tonight and I need to pick your brains about a couple of things :)

First of all I'm a little concerned about the lack of peace and tranquillity in my tank. This female B ram is really causing some strife. She is constantly picking fights with the two males; she and the younger male are actually ending up with slightly torn fins though it's nothing significant and seems to heal in as little as 24/48 hours. She is now also picking fights with the betta and he is retaliating! I just feel like it's going to end in tears and I'm not sure what to do. I've never seen the two males fighting; seems to me they have picked their "spots" and they are happy to stay in them, they even hang out together sometimes with no problem. - yep just watched Zod chase her around the tank just now - jeeezo. So does she need to go? Have I not given it enough time?

Second thing is I'd like for you to tell me what this plant is, I got it with my original bunch of bacopa ages ago by accident. It was tiny then and it still is now lol, though it is growing.

Here's the first pic, to get an idea of scale next to that melting bacopa :p the leaves on the bottom of the plant are red, the new growth is all green.


Sorry about the poop, it's living in the rough neighbourhood - "Poo Corner", on the other side of the railroad tracks.



This is what happens when I hold the camera close the the tank
he's lucky I like him...



I did a leetle bit of planting today, I'll post some picture after 10pm but I was amused by the way in which they arrived so I thought I would share it with you! Note how I cleverly disguised my address so you psychopaths won't come molest me


Took this one the other day when the sun was shining on my crypts, I thought they looked perty - no one wanna tell me what they are?


Now, I did warn you the other day that you'd have to suffer a video of my plecos eating courgette so I don't want to hear any complaints when you find it boring!

And after:


I know, I know...just because I'm entertained doesn't mean you will be lol

Last week I tried to copy ian and take some cool pictures while the tank was mid-water change. It didn't really work out for me because I don't water change after dark usually lol so there was about one spot and one angle that I could get where there weren't loads of reflections, and this is it! Maybe when it's winter and dark at like 3:30pm I can give it a try again hehe.

Ok! FTS! I got some vallis today because I want to kill some more, I've got a taste for it now. I reckon I've doubled the plant mass there so I'm pretty pleased. Some of the leaves are pretty damaged but they probs would have melted a little anyway. It did the last time I added some.




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