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Yeah it was kind of dominating my thoughts as well lol
I don't like the endlers. They are pointless.

I paid between £40 - £45 for them. Why?

Kill me now!
They were like £3.40 each...I can't remember exactly. I'd just decided I was getting them so I paid it...FOOL!

No one wants to pay that for some silly little fish lol
Bummer. That has happened to me. 20 Von Rio Tetras at one point and hated them. I am starting to love the Rummynose Tetras. They are starting to school around now that they are healthy.

Why not try other types of Rasbora? I want some of those lovely little green ones!
I do need to get rid of em though. See, I thought they would fill space at the top of the tank and they kind of do but they also use all levels of the tank and with just 12 of them you don't even see them in a 3ft tank...

I loooove the green rasboras but my thinking this that in order to get a decent sized group I'd probably need to lose some espei so I may just get more of them instead. The espei have been such a pain to get a proper school of. Every batch I've bought has had another type of rasbora mixed in. The problem is, once you bag the espei at the LFS they immediately go pale so you can't tell what you've got! I actually have three different types in there right now. I'm in the process of swapping them out for "real" ones.
lol I am about to start getting my espei again and I think I'll run into that same problem. I wish my fish store would let me catch them myself "control freak!"
Haha! Wow! Well I won't tell him because his ego hardly fits in the tank as it is :p

I was looking at some pictures of him from when I first got him and it's amazing how much longer his fins are now. His colour has changed quite a lot as well, he used to have a white band around the edge of his tail and that's nearly gone which makes me :( but he's still a pretty boy :)

lol, they see me coming a mile away now. If I go when it's quiet, like late on a weekday, the girl in my Maidenhead Aquatics will spend ages catching the right ones for me. She amazes me with her net skills seeing as I'm so "disabled" about it :blink: Despite her best efforts she still included 3 rasboras that I can't even identify, LOL honestly I wonder if they could be a cross between a harlequin/espei/something else :crazy:
Right, I think those three are just young harlequins, they have this irridecent stripe above their bar which was putting me off but apparently some of them have this...
Does anyone else feel like Mr Miyagi when using tweezers to pick out stray bits of plants?


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