From 48 To 180 In 3.0 Seconds Flat

Thanks bud, I'm really pleased with them too! This pleased: :hyper: I haven't been able to see the Big Guy's personality yet because he's shy but the other two have been really inquisitive and quite funny to watch :)

Yup! Well I was going to do plants this month and fish next but it's all flipped around now haha, I never do anything "to plan" and yet I always have one!
Plans are there to be changed. My plan was to chuck ammonia into my tank. Now I got tons of plants and inhabitants :hyper:
Thanks bud!

Here's the update, last night was one of the most stressful experiences of my life! Oh, and I'm a numpty.

I decided I would get my new fish and remove the fish I was rehoming all in one day because my week is crazy and if I didn't do it last night it would have been next week before I could get more fish. So I went and got my 7 sterbai and 18 espei (£66....that was after I paid freakin' £3.40 or something EACH for those blinkin' endlers!) Put them in to acclimatise and tried to start catching the fish (13 cardinals, 7 bronze corys and 6 hengeli rasbora), nope it wasn't happening. All I could think of was to finish acclimatising the new fish, put them in the tank then try to catch the other guys, a bad idea but I didn't see any other option. Still couldn't catch them. So I dropped the water level (oh and I've been having a nitrite spike for some reason. I think dying algae, to add to the stress...) and I still couldn't catch them. By this point I've got Luke over helping me and I am on the verge of nuclear meltdown. I've got new fish in the tank, who are probably going to die from this stress, I've got too much nitrite in the water, I've got the 1 cardinal and the 1 bronze that I've managed to catch sitting in rapidly deteriorating water, OH and the filter was off in the main tank as well! I couldn't back out because I've now go WAY too many fish in the tank! Time passes and we're getting nowhere. I am in full meltdown by this point convinced all of my fish are going to die lol - tears and all.

So I start removing the hardscape which induces further hysterics from yours truly. This still isn't really working so in the end everything is removed from the tank except the crypts and the e. quadricostatus (major freakout for having to remove the plants as well). I started this whole thing just before 7pm, by 9:30 Luke had managed to catch all of the corys and cardinals, the hengeli will have to wait another day. Luke went and delivered the fish to their new home and I started putting the tank back together. As far as I'm aware all of my fish are still alive lol

So now I ask, why have none of you told me about this DIY fish trap you make with a bottle?! I'll be testing that out to catch the hengelis at some point. It'll be slow but low stress for the fish and won't destroy my tank!

That's a lot of words guys, sorry!
Rough :no: I had to catch a bunch of rasbora at one point and it gets frustrating. Hope the bottle idea works out.

How are your new fishes doing?
Well they've settled in nicely this end!

The Cory's did a bit of guppy chasing at first which was a bit frustrating as the guppies are heavily pregnant an one was giving birth

But there all friendly now

Guppy fry are getting braver by the day, swimming about all over, the younger ones are staying within close range to the protection of the plants but the older larger ones are all over the tank!

Looking forward to the harlequins or rasboras or whatever there called! Be a nice variation in color to my sole surviving harlequin!
That's so good to hear! I bet they were just being crazy and razzing around the tank instead of chasing guppies, they do that when they are in a new place - go nuts! Maybe they were but it would be out of character! How are the cardinals? One in particular was looking very stressed :/ Hengeli Rasboras :p Hope all your guppies are ok!

Thanks FF, it was just so frustrating! They are so fast, I'd never had to catch a healthy fish before. I think everyone is OK, I'll know when I get home tonight, I had a quick peek in this morning (very quick as I was 20 mins late for work, woops!) and I didn't see any floaters lol everyone was venturing out and settling in before I went to bed last night, I dunno how they didn't all keel over, I nearly did!
Good news! Nitrite is 0 today. I don't know what in the heck happened but when I tested the water on Sunday it was at LEAST 2ppm. Scary stuff. Ammonia was fine but nitrate was bright red - do you think a little dead algae could do that? It didn't even have that much algae tbh...

In other good news, all fish seem healthy and eating well. Bruce (the giant ram) seems to be coming out of his shell now and isn't taking any lip of the little guys any more. He seems to have claimed the corner with the big arched bit of wood and sits there in the arch looking out at his domain occasionally shooing the other rams away lol. No wonder he's so fat, he never goes anywhere! Even at feeding time he casually waited for the food to come to him! I hope he does eventually decide to use more of the tank than that little corner though, maybe he needs a mobility scooter :p
Me too! Yours have better colour than mine right now so I don't want to hear any more chat about yours looking too dark! ok!?
oooh dudes, my vallis does NOT look good. No likey liquid carbon...
:crazy: That's crap, your vallis was lookin so good. I just thought that a min. ago.
So glad to read all is better again. Do you know your water hardness? Same question to you, FF. Would really love to try them, but our water is so hard.
My ph in that tank is 7.8-8.2 Not incredibly hard but in that direction {can't remember the readings} Bolivians aren't as picky as the other types of rams :good:
Salam I bet you could have them! What is your pH?

My pH is about 7.6-7.8 and I can't remember the kH I haven't tested it in so long :/

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