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My only word of caution about Bolivians.
Just picking a male & female and hoping that they pair, doesn't always work out.
In my 3', i tried this, they didn't pair, but i wasn't too worried as breeding wasn't a big deal.
Problem was the male just wouldn't let her alone, the stress of it got to her in the end.
Not saying this will, happen.Just could.
Best option, not the cheapest tho, get 1 male, 3 female.Hope for a pair, and remove the other 2.
mmm or even get two females and a male, I could manage that stocking-wise - thanks for the input :D
Oh and will theY still get jiggy with it even if I don't put any sexy rocks in the tank??
I plan to add a female with the 2 I have as well. I need to find a nice one and get it Qt-ed for a few weeks.
Guys...if I'm not careful I'll have some Bolivians before the weekend is out

why am I singing "Dangerzone" while I type this post?
Hokay! I think I have officially taken the picture update too far this time lol - bear with us!

Yesterday I took a little trippy wip to MA and came home with 2 Bolivian Rams, which I sexed in the shop, all by myself :D a male and a female! Then I went to Dobbies and got 12 Black Bar Endlers (mostly) and a Tropica pot of Bacopa Carolina (sp...), maybe but we'll get to that later.

Then today I collected another Bolivian Ram from a relative of a Forumite who needed to rehome it ASAP. Unfortunately it's a male so I'm in a bit of a pickle now. If I wasn't an impulsive little *ahem* I wouldn't have gotten any from MA until I got this one we are. He's quite old, they weren't sure but probably 2-3 (considering their max is 4 and they don't often make it to that) and you can tell because he's absolutely huge! At LEAST twice the size of the ones I got from MA. He's letting the little ones boss him around. Primarily Mistress Helga (she's a dominatrix ram ya see...) who spent all of last night putting the male in his place (a lil' bit o' lip lockin', va va voom!) and is now doing the same to the new guy.

Also, the fish I'm getting rid of are going tomorrow; cardinals (b'tards won't stop nipping the betta!), hengeli rasbora, bronze corys. And I'm getting their replacements on Tuesday. 7 Sterbai and 18 Espei :D

This is the bacopa I got, but it looks totally different from the one I already had, help?


There's loads of it there...


Here's the stuff I already had:


Endlers (they are all staying at the top of the tank, 90% of the time, which is what I wanted, yay!)



Male Bolivian Ram, Melvin?





Mistress Helga



And the new guy, who decided "home is where the poo is", he wasn't coming out so this is the best I could get!



I tried to get a picture of both so you could see the size difference, but I mostly failed lol


I planted the bacopa and it looks a total state! I'm embarrassed! It actually looks worse in person lol, but it'll be a while before I can mess about with it properly so, meh...


Here's some other stuff, ya know, Zod being a prostitute n stuff...


Please don't mind the fabulous rubber band on my spaybar, the #40## cap won't stay on, I'm gonna resort to superglue!






Only a few pictures eh? hehe
IF the Bacopa looks different in person then give it a few weeks. Everytime I buy Bacopa from a different location and it looks different, a few weeks in my tank and it all looks the same.

If the new growth looks different, then get some more close ups and it'll be easier to tell then.

I love the rams. Even your old grouchy one. By the fins I did see a female and male. :good:

I like insanse amounts of photos :D
Looking good, didn't know you had a journal going until recently lol so i skimmed through it like you did mine :fun: .
:D poor guy might take some time to adjust, he was in a tank with only a guppy and a BN for months.
Nice to see he's coloured up pretty well though, alot better then when i used to see him :good:.
Cheeky!! haha

Oh he's doing alright I think, he was peeking out at me this morning and the bossy female was across the other side of the tank, maybe he finally told her who is boss at some point last night lol. Yeah it is quite a busy tank so will be a big difference! Glad you think he looks good though :D

Hey well maybe the bacopa is the same stuff! Fingers crossed :good:
I love your rams! :wub:

Exciting times for you, lots of changes. Shame I couldn't take the cories off you, wish you were closer. So, tomorrow big swaparound day?

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