From 48 To 180 In 3.0 Seconds Flat

I meant to say that I am sorry about Gramps, but I always try not to linger on a sad topic after a margarita.

I bet the crypts are easily to tell. I'll try a guess tomorrow when the hubby stops whining about my obsession with fish when we have no fish :p
AA, I love your pussy :hey: and your cat's not bad either!! :hey: :hey:

The tubing is silicone, it's more pliabe than standard airline tubing. But like you say, it's blue! lol. You can get white stuff too.


Bash gramps. I think you need to rehome the so called Lasers then stick with and increase the Sterbai.

Also, if you want better flow then remove the section of spray bar and just have the elbow. Much better. :good:
hehe Salam don't encourage him! ;)
lol minnnt are you replying as you read or something?

Yes the EX1200 is still leaking lol BUT it may have something to do with the fact that I've still not put the new head on
it just lets out a few drops every time I switch it back on, I am going to give it a rinse today so may put the new one on then...or not seeing as IT'S THE WRONG PART!!!

Gramps has been bashed dude, where ya been!? Yeah I am going to rehome them and increase the sterbais to 10, however one of them is about to keel over I think. It's just a weak,dxsc sickly fish IMO and I've decided not to intervene. Honestly I've picked up my keys to go out and get the kit for a hospital tank twice this weekend but stopped myself. It was ill when I brought it home from LFS - it's recovered and relapsed twice now. I know my tank is pristine and none of my other fish are having problems so...

Really happy with the results from the rearranged spraybar thus far. I'm going to adjust it slightly so it's pointing down a bit more.

Going to go play in the tank now - does anyone know a good way to clean filter pipes?

Edit: Gramps only got bashed "figuratively" - so don't get your panties in a wad ppl!
Surely you would hang on to my every word!! lol not like I talk a lot or anything
Oh my lord, I have completely lost the will to live lol...I've done all my planting, the tank looks naked but now I can kind of see where I'm heading.

My rasboras are total adrenaline junkies, one took a ride on the world's longest fishy water slide today...he seems to be ok apart from a little tear on his dorsal fin. Thank goodness I spotted him shooting down to hose!

I'll post pics later on after everything has settled :)
Uh-oh...something much be wrong, I didn't photograph the event! I think I was too busy cacking it...
I sucked up a bunch of Platy fry once. There were about 5 of them fighting each other to get back in the tank :crazy: I had the siphon propped on the wood so it wasn't like they had to dodge me moving it or anything. Platys aren't the smartest fish anyway.
Yeah same sort of thing here, I had just left the tank to empty so the pipe was just sitting there, not moving....

I saw him in the tube and ran over to the sink and put my finger over the end to stop the syphon...then I just stood there a minute while I worked out what to do lol, poor fish. In the end I just removed the hose adapter and just let the the syphon carry him into a jug I happened to have by the sink, I need to be more careful in future!
One time one of my mollys happily swam into my syphon lol. He was too fat to go thorough though lol.
Well I ended up having to mess about a bit more...dang stems wouldn't stay the water is still looking pretty messy





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