From 48 To 180 In 3.0 Seconds Flat

lol it's what I do best!

FF04 - thanks! It's another random bit of kit that came with the tank. Pretty good but it's a shame it's blue!
Just bought some more hose for my EX1200 so I can flip the spraybar around - it's a lot cheaper and easier than installing a powerhead
but I may end up there eventually!

Also, I am pretty confident that Gramps won't be recovering from whatever it is that's bothering him...I know it sounds bad but I'm at the point where I'm just hoping he'll go ahead and die, should I do the deed? Argh...he hasn't participated in dinner time festivities for the last two least he was pretending to be interested before, rubbish.
Just bought some more hose for my EX1200 so I can flip the spraybar around - it's a lot cheaper and easier than installing a powerhead
but I may end up there eventually!

Also, I am pretty confident that Gramps won't be recovering from whatever it is that's bothering him...I know it sounds bad but I'm at the point where I'm just hoping he'll go ahead and die, should I do the deed? Argh...he hasn't participated in dinner time festivities for the last two least he was pretending to be interested before, rubbish.
I am hoping 'gramps' is a fish!!? lovely tank... love your fighter its beautiful!!
Nope gramps isn't a fish. How dare you AA!!!! :lol:
Yup gonna ship the old codger off to Sweden andbe done with it! hehe
lol Sorry about Gramps. I reached that point with a few fish recently as you know. Once they stop eating then there isn't much left to do if you don't know whats wrong. If he did have a parasite problem or anything else the medicine would go in food. Now what you have to think about is that if he dies in the night and the other fish have a snack {sry for the mental image} The other fish could get whatever it is. Apparently they are healthy enough so far not to have been infected.
Take a double shot of rum straight up.

Then make your hubby handle it. Worked for me.
Great photos AA - my cat tried the same, now, if you look closely at my substrate, you will see the tips of four little paws :sly:
Just lost an update - AGAIN! Stupid interwebs.

So I sent Gramps on a very long vacation today :( It's sad but I know it was the right decision and now I can move on with my life!

Seeing as I've got flow problems in my tank I decided to remove two sections of my spraybar and rotate it so that it's along the right side of the tank, pointing semi-diagonally across the length of the tank. The result is absolutely fantastic! It instantly swept away all the built up crud on the left side of the tank and the current is now a lot stronger and is moving the full length of the tank drawing all the nasty stuff towards the filter inlet. I am really pleased! Before I did this I had 10-12 inches of really calm water on the left side of the tank. I have a feeling that after I vac this weekend I'll probably only need to do a small area on the right side of the tank in the future, fingers crossed! I'm really annoyed that I bought that filter tubing last night, I could have got 6 more cardinals instead! Or some plants!

All of the tank inhabitants, including (the supposedly wimpy) betta, seem happy with the new arrangement and it looks really nice without the spraybar across the back. As an additional note about Mr ZoddyPants (betta, not Mod.), I have gradually increased the amount of flow he's been kept in over time (not planned) so maybe that's why it doesn't seem to bother him - OR - that betta lot are a bunch of liars!! (or he's just spesh...)

Here's a few very fairly poop pictures I've taken of the new setup (I really need to clean my filter tubes



Just the middle section but it looks really nice without the spraybar :)

I'm going to spend some quality time with the tank this weekend so watch this space!
Oh that's vallis?!?! I didn't know that! The stringy kinda one right?

Looks good AA. Don't you have crypts in here too? Where are they? (sorry not good with plants) planning on getting some but wanna see what they look like.
I'm sure it was you! :p

That's not it's home woman! It's renting the space until it finds better accommodation ;)

Yep the plants on the right are vallis. Yeah I have some crypts in there too, but you can't really see them in that picture. They are medium/low in height with a broad leaf. You'll spot them in other pics :) There are about a million different types, I'm not sure what variety I have!

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