Forum Improvement Idea

########### sniping removed by Bignose ###############################################

meaning of the post is: I don't think it is a good idea"
########### sniping removed by Bignose ###############################################

meaning of the post is: I don't think it is a good idea"/quote]

############ more sniping removed by Bignose ####################

meaning of this post is: I disagree
Again.... how do you judge "quality", especially in an objective non-biased non-personal-feelings way? Try as you might, there is no way to really define it without using subjective words like "good" and "informative" and whatnot. One's own personal mood can influence this -- when in a good mood someone may give out more points that when in a bad mood. Where a post is posted can make a big difference, too. A good post in general discussion is going to get more views and hence be reward more than a post in the scientific section, when that post in the scientific section may be far "better" (subjective term again!).

I don't feel that you've satisfactorily answered my question as to why a rep system is better than just post count. At least post count is completely objective in that, yes, a person as made x number of posts.

I feel like I do get your point -- again I have been a member of forum where such systems are in place -- I just don't agree with it. I really feel that it adds nothing to the system because it is far too easy abused and subjective to really mean much of anything in my opinion.

Finally, if you want to "reward" someone for a good post, what is wrong with a PM thanking the author or even a post in that thread that says "Thanks for a very informative post, I've learned a lot from reading this and I hope that you continue to post more like it in the future."? That seems significantly more personable and friendly than some arbitrary "points" given to someone.

Now, if you want to suggest some different interesting titles as post counts are reached, by all means please suggest some!


Finally, let me put my moderating hat on here and simply say to both truckasuarus and blue acara -- knock off the sniping at each other immediately. The mods have been rather lax in the enforcement of the rules, especially in this Board Announcements & Suggestions section where people do feel strongly about changes to the forum and we want people to feel free to express their opinions because this forum is an astounding success due to the great number of great members we have and we want to continue that and make this forum as good as it can be. But, disrespecting each other when disagreements is unacceptable. We can disagree and yet respect one another. The sniping I am editing out of this thread is exactly what I am talking about. Don't do it again. Thanks.
Again.... how do you judge "quality", especially in an objective non-biased non-personal-feelings way? Try as you might, there is no way to really define it without using subjective words like "good" and "informative" and whatnot. One's own personal mood can influence this -- when in a good mood someone may give out more points that when in a bad mood. Where a post is posted can make a big difference, too. A good post in general discussion is going to get more views and hence be reward more than a post in the scientific section, when that post in the scientific section may be far "better" (subjective term again!).

Whats wrong with a little subjectivity and personal feeling? We are not judging someones guilt in a courtroom here were judging their creativity and ability to write things that interest us. Some things that interest you will not interest me, thats a good thing. There would be multiple members giving points, all areas of the forum would be read and judged. The changing moods of people is a non issue.
I actually think posting good stuff in the scientific section would get you alot of points. I know nothing about science but I find it fascinating and Im always willing to learn, posts that teach you something will get lots of points.Your old post hereI liked this post, scroll down to see it.
I don't feel that you've satisfactorily answered my question as to why a rep system is better than just post count. At least post count is completely objective in that, yes, a person as made x number of posts.
I cannot convince you then. Lots of members here already have the max rep the post count gives. The new rep system would be fresh, another reason to log on and post. Change is good, stand still and you stagnate.
Finally, if you want to "reward" someone for a good post, what is wrong with a PM thanking the author or even a post in that thread that says "Thanks for a very informative post, I've learned a lot from reading this and I hope that you continue to post more like it in the future."? That seems significantly more personable and friendly than some arbitrary "points" given to someone.
It would be points and one sentence explaining why you rate the post, what value you saw in their post. (visable in text at the bottom of the post)
I think a lot of people would want the 'arbitrary "points" for their title more than they would want the thankyous.
Now, if you want to suggest some different interesting titles as post counts are reached, by all means please suggest some!

All my creativity is drained.
Just to add my two cents worth into this thread.
Although I agree with the idea in principal I also can see both sides of the coin.
Whilst yes it may be helpful for new folks to identify a Guru it is almost certainly open to abuse. Whereby calling Moderators to indulge in a lot more work.
If a definitive way could be worked out that would be both fair and untroubled then I would be all ears.
I have posted a similar article upstairs but I expect that it will be met with the same impasse as here.
I call upon the membership (if interested in this topic) to (in an adult fashion) submit their practical ideas on how this would be implemented bearing in mind the final goal it must achieve.
I don't really think it would achieve anything - 'rep' points are open to abuse however they are awarded and the mods have enough to do on here without moderating that. I'm not saying they can't work but is there a need for them anyway?
I don't think its a good idea, on a small forum it can work on a larger forum it is much harder to control and would start many disputes.

However I did have a thought so just throwing it out there.

Perhaps, people who consistently post helpful information, who clearly have a lot of experience and are very knowledgeable, be made a "Trusted Member". I don't know exactly how it would work but I'm guessing that they could be selected in much the same way mods are by the powers that be.

This would give these individuals a "reward" but also let members new and old know that these guys are, in the eyes of the forum, some of the best and most knowledgeable posters.
I realise that I'm very new here, but I am not new to a reputation points system as I have one on my own forums.

I have to say with hindsight, I don't think it is a great idea to have one and it is definitely open to abuse. When members give positive rep it's fine, but as soon as someone gives negative rep, then tit for tat actions can occur.

Thankfully on my forums, this hardly ever happens, but I still think if I were starting again, I wouldn't bother to add a rep mod. I think it is both unnecessary and can potentially cause problems.

In my opinion, if you see a great post, them all one has to do is post and say so.
I don't think its a good idea, on a small forum it can work on a larger forum it is much harder to control and would start many disputes.

The forum I got the idea from is very large(bigger than TFF) and very well run(like TFF). I will pm BigC its name and he can take alook at it if he wants.
I would hardly say there is any basis for us to actually *need* a system like that. It's not as if it's a forum where bad advice is often given. Everything is pretty subjective for one thing (as in, there's not really any answers that are set in stone).
Yeh its a good idea in principle but not in practice. Forums I've used I quickly got a bad rep, not because I give bad info but mostly because I like to speak my mind(and can be a bit of a smart #14###). So for example is someone posted a thread saying "please give opinions on my tank" and its got rainbow gravel and no fishing signs etc 10 people say "yes thats very nice, not the way I would have it etc" and I say "in my opinion thats downright horrendous" I get a bad rep for giving my opionion and the other 10 get a good rep for theirs. Now obviously thats an an exggeration, I would never be that downright nasty but even just diagreeing with some people will get you a negative rep even of you are right. I agree with truckasauras123 that you can quickly tell who has a good reputation by their posts and how other members will say "oh wait till so and so comes along they will know what to do".
Again I too agree with many principle..great, however in reality it's a row waiting to happen..
The mods on here, like all forums, do this for free on their own time and it would mean constantly viewing every single post to give it these merits..I know I wouldn't be annoyed with this if it were me...

However, on the other hand...if each sections mods periodically "policed" their own nominated sections they could pick out the posts with most merit and useful information and place some kind of marker on these individual posts for attention of the members, as one post from an individual may be very beneficial while many of their other posts may not be so relevant...
This one is really up to the mods and not us , the members, as all the extra work will fall onto their shoulders and not ours...

As we know it will automatically cause upset and discourse as well ..some one will always take offense that someone elses post got this credit and theirs didn't.accusations of favouratism will arise and oo so many toys will be chucked from their prams and dummy's spat out because of this....

Mods i'd say it boils down to being your call on this one as as said already it's yourselves that will receive the extra work and all the backlash when somone ain't happy !!!!
I don't think its a good idea, on a small forum it can work on a larger forum it is much harder to control and would start many disputes.

However I did have a thought so just throwing it out there.

Perhaps, people who consistently post helpful information, who clearly have a lot of experience and are very knowledgeable, be made a "Trusted Member". I don't know exactly how it would work but I'm guessing that they could be selected in much the same way mods are by the powers that be.

This would give these individuals a "reward" but also let members new and old know that these guys are, in the eyes of the forum, some of the best and most knowledgeable posters.

This is similar to an idea I have posted in the mod's section for discussion as well. This idea I like because we recognize long standing members who have consistently posted high quality posts. It won't have anything to do with raw total of posts or anything like that.

In short, we (the mod team) recognize that it would be nice to have something else that just post count, but we want to make the process as fair and free-from-abuse as possible. Giving a title like "trusted member" or "resident expert" will be a little subjective, but in general the best members we have are pretty easy to recognize. We are discussing things in the mod section, and we'll keep the members informed.
I'm not sure any advantages will outweigh the problems with something like that though... I can definitely picture twenty thousand threads a week in here about 'how do I become one of them', for instance.
I really think we dont need any more input on this thread if there's not much comming by the way of helpful suggestions.
As was said previously we will as Mods review this topic, if a workable solution can be found we will implement it, if not then we tried no more no less.
Buddyboy summed up exactly what all this means from a moderators standpoint but we would welcome such a motion if it was workable.

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