My Blyxa was from TGM and quite reasonable. You could order some, as you'll struggle to find it anywhere. As i say it's up to you what you be fair, you have proven you can grow plants, time to take the next step...
Still undecided what to do with it. Would like pogostemon but I also have apple snails, and the love the stuff! Suppose I could put them in the shrimp tank though.
Will try and get to a lfs today or saturday and have a gander.
The tank is still as it is atm... considering removing some of the plants actually to creat the new layout... Just need to decide which ones.
On the upside i have managed to bag myself a Hydor Prime 30 external filter to replace my ex1200 with which will be used on my bigger tank. (Thanks Ian for your help!!)
This has now been torn apart and re-done. It was quite sad doing it, but i was ready for a change. It's certainly a little different now and i am left with a bucket full of plants that i am wondering what to do with!