Fluval Vicenza 180

Ok, finally got some new pictures together for you... :D Nothing fancy mind! :p




Considering having a little swap around over the weekend. Might go and get some different plants and attempt a 'scape' of some sort... No idea what though :lol: :S :X
Go for it mate! It still looks really good though. :good:
you need to get hold of a copy of Amanos complete works, book. Theres some awesome scapes in it. What did you want? Nature style aquarium?
Unsure mate. Can't exactly have a dainty scape with a gret big Ellioti swimming around. :lol:
Then go for something bold, maybe a decent different Echinodorus as a main feature, there are some cracking species on the market at the min. P@H have their Tropica deliveries tomorrow, and they always get some different Swords in. Then work around that, Obviously placing the hardscape first. Are you wanting rocks or wood?
I love my wood... so would probably stick with that. I have my Mahoosive Anubias that i can work around too... I like the swords that appear to have brown markings on them? :blush:
Echinodorus 'Ozelot', they are on the P@H lists as well. :good:

If you like the idea of corner scapes, then have a go, the wood you have should be able to cover it. The sword in the middle of the scape.
only in my head! lol

i'll see if i can find one.

something along the lines of this

That'll do... :lol: Better still, you come to my house and do it for me... And bring your snazzy camera too! :D

Hmmm... very nice! Unsure what i could use as a carpet though?
I would love to mate...

you wouldn't necessarily need a carpet, but if you did, you have plenty of moss. Tie it to some slate and bish bash bosh, there is your carpet.
Obviously not for a carpet, but i was considering buying some Sagittaria Subulata plantlets. Need to sort some more wood out for it too. My Crypts have just started to come good too. Vallis is also starting to look extremely healthy when not shaded by the wood etc.
If you look at that pic, there's not much you'd need. A couple of pots of stems and the Echinodorus. Maybe an Aponogeton for the back.

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