Fish 'Shed' Is under construction!!

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You could use marine ply but that might be overkill. Or just seal regular ply with waterproof varnish/paint. The extraction thing is a good idea, not just for temperature control but for humidity control too.

I'm thinking about the weight too - what footings or securings did you use? <picking your brain for future construction of own fishshed!!>
I've decided to stick with Plaster board (on my own head be it - i know)
It is £4 a sheet compared to £15 a sheet for ply.

In all honesty ther are going to be about 6 tanks in there and the rest is goin gto be shed... with work top ets - its not like its going to be filled to bursting with tanks (at least not to start with :D) it not really any different to having 5 of 6 tanks in a small room in your house (in fact this shed is bigger than my old office that had 4 tanks in it)

anyway - Progrss has been slow on the picture front - i now have a lockable door on it - its all membraned and the inside is ready for the walls to go on.

I need to get teh electrics started now - the lighting will be wires in the ceiling - no wires showing.
The rest of the wireing is going to be showing - that way i can easily add sockets etc as I need them :)

I'm going to start boarding the walls tomorrow evening.

The outside is just waiting for a call from the fence people to get some of the same boards that had been used for the fence so it all blends in.

I'll get some more pictures up tomorrow ;)
Just a quicke poitn re the electrics. If you want to keep it neat and accessible for the mains, you could always cut the plasterboard so that you can take a strip out with screws that will revealy the wires but leaves the main part of the wall attached.

Just a thought.

Looking good though.
Just use exterior mounted sockets and trunking etc ;)

Looking good mate :)

Will pop in on our way back, and give it a real inspection ;)
Very smart and tidy job your doing there.
Just to add my 2p worth, I used chipboard for my fish-house walls & ceiling. very cheap. (bought in packs, type used for loft flooring with tongue and groove in them). Sealed them all round with clear varnish and covered the face side with polystyrene ceiling tiles for a nice tidy look inside.
Right then folks... the shed came to a stand still over the weekend (as I had other things to do!!)

It's now a lockable shell :)

all the walls are in, insulated and started to be boarded. however the roof is still now felted and tared as the end pannels havent been skinned with the fence boards yet...

However - the wood to doard the outside is coming on wednesday, that means that hopefully buy the end of the week, there will be a weather proof roof on it (because it isn't at the moment (hence the boarding stopped :/)

Here are the piccys as of tonight...
With a treat for those who think im just taking the pictures ;)



Lorna took this one while I was putting the last of the bottom section of board in ;)

Lol the last picture is a setup :p *Puts camera on timer, runs to fish house picks up drill, holds postion....3 2 1 flash! there jobs a good-un. Lol im so jealous :D
Looking good cant wait until all the tanks are in! :kewlpics:
Siamese Fighter05 said:
Lol the last picture is a setup :p *Puts camera on timer, runs to fish house picks up drill, holds postion....3 2 1 flash! there jobs a good-un. Lol im so jealous :D
Looking good cant wait until all the tanks are in! :kewlpics:

:D I cant win! :lol:
right guys and girls

I've been away over the weekend and havent had time to do much (with the weather being bad just for good measure)

Anyway this is how the shed looks at the moment - the wood will fade aparently - its the same wood from the same supplier as the fence... :look:

Excuse teh missing panel - the key for the lock isnt long enought to get to the lock with the panel on - so the keys have been lengthened :)


The roof is getting done soo (after pay day hopefully)
It is looking wonderful!!!!
I am SO jealous although I would miss having the tanks in my bedroom actually...makes it easier to just hang out with them!!!
Still.... give me a fish room/shed/area any day and I'd be happy!!!
xxSarahxx said:
It is looking wonderful!!!!
I am SO jealous although I would miss having the tanks in my bedroom actually...makes it easier to just hang out with them!!!
Still.... give me a fish room/shed/area any day and I'd be happy!!!

The existing tanks in my study, our bedroom, a spare room and the kitched are all staying where they are... this is for more tanks that i have collected!

Still not too sure on how to set them all up yet - thats where you lot will slate me - I would love to get it all setup nicely - but I know I'll put them in there planning to get it all plumbed in and then just run them seperatly after all :)

I bought the other item that will be living in there yesturday - A Nitro radio controled 4x4 truck :D (cant afford it but hey - its too late now!)
Things are looking good!
And so quickly!

I have started my fish house project about 3 weeks ago and have only just managed to get the 4" concrete base in. I had to shift 8 cubic metres of soil before i could start!

I must say i like the pictures they are great.

As regards the internal walls, i currently have plaster board sealed and painted in oil based paint in my current fish house. It has not broke down or warped with the moisture but i do have a problem with mould growing on the surface. It can be simply wiped off but it is hard when behind tanks.

I plan to use the compressed foil faced insulation in my new one as the finished internal walls. I cannot remember the name of the stuff but it apparently retains heat and yet stays reasonably cool. dont ask me how it works. I have also been advised in the past that cramming the fish house with as many tanks as possible reduces the ammount of electric used to heat the room. I am not 100% sure if this is exactly true but I think it might be. Well at the very least it is a good excuse to get more tanks!

I see that you have no window in the construction. That means you will have to use quite a bit of electric to keep it illuminated, especially if you plan to keep plants. Also i am led to believe the fish do benifit with some natural light as they apparently can tell the seasons this way.

BigC will be pleased to hear I plan to get more killis breeding in mine aswell as getting some of the more unusual wild livebearers.
The foamfoli stuff is call celote / kingspan - and is what we have used - But it aint cheap (normally)

The end wall has been sized so that a window is an easy thing to add - Plants are not happening in these tanks - too much like hard work - they are going to be for breeding rather than looking at :)

Its all come to a bit of a hault at the moment - i want the roof doing before i board the rest of the walls and the ceiling.

One thing that might help reduce the mould would be ventilation - I will be fitting a thermostat controlled extractor fan in there before next summer.
The foamfoli stuff is call celote / kingspan - and is what we have used - But it aint cheap (normally)

Thanks, yes thats the stuff. I know it isn't cheap but it seems to work well in my pals fish houses.

One thing that might help reduce the mould would be ventilation - I will be fitting a thermostat controlled extractor fan in there before next summer.

I agree, I plan to have some vents installed in the new fish house to help resolve the problem.

How long do you think it will take you from start to finish?
I wish the estate I live on was still in the early days of construction. All them free materials must be a great saver on the pocket.

What type of racking do you intend to use for your tanks? Timber or steel?
Will the timber floor withstand the overall rack weight with the quantity and size of the tanks you will using?
Just wondered as two of the tanks i will be moving into mine hold a combined weight of 1.5 ton and will be situated on a 2 tier rack.

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