What amazing things have you seen your pet or someone else's pet do?

You're so welcome :D I love dog training and have a decent amount of experience, added to a lot of research and reading, so if you have any questions or concerns, always welcome to hit me up for some advice :)
I will definitely tag or DM you if I need to! Thank you for the offer!

I also love training dogs and I am good at the basics. I've helped train a deaf dog, a wild pit, and now Luna. My hardest one yet.... BUT I WILL CONQUER THIS! 😅
A while back, I was feeding my pink tongue skinks. I use solo cup lids as food dishes, and set them onto a piece of cork bark in the skinks cages. On this particular occasion, one of them was lounging on a planter a few inches away. When I looked in his cage a few minutes later, I saw that he had moved the feeding dish up into the planter with him! It was especially noteworthy that he hadn’t spilled.
I had never seen any reptile move a feeding dish like that before.
Well, before our current parrot, I had a green cheek conure (conures are parakeets and not parrots). Cody was his name. He did his business in his cage and not in the open space. When he was still young and he was out of his cage, he always watched me when i cleaned up his business. After a while he only did his business in his cage. He must have known that doing his business elsewhere was not a proper thing to do.

Once I've renewed our current parrot's food. When I was at the cage to give the new food, he wasn't around. But instead of coming over to eat his own food, he was just enjoying my spaghetti on my plate when I wasn't looking...
Well, before our current parrot, I had a green cheek conure (conures are parakeets and not parrots). Cody was his name. He did his business in his cage and not in the open space. When he was still young and he was out of his cage, he always watched me when i cleaned up his business. After a while he only did his business in his cage. He must have known that doing his business elsewhere was not a proper thing to do.

Once I've renewed our current parrot's food. When I was at the cage to give the new food, he wasn't around. But instead of coming over to eat his own food, he was just enjoying my spaghetti on my plate when I wasn't looking...
Birds are so funny, my grandma had a ringneck and he always cracked me up. He loved chilli peppers and would always ring his bell to say thank you when you gave him one. A family friend had an African grey that would cough and say 'I'm sick you know!'
I watch this guy's videos where he plays the guitar and his parrot sings along. Lots of videos of this duo....he's making lots of money with these videos.
I watch this guy's videos where he plays the guitar and his parrot sings along. Lots of videos of this duo....he's making lots of money with these videos.

I love this guy, I watch them too
Black Lab named Rudy... sadly no longer with me.

A couple of things that sort of amazed people.

1) People were amazed when we were walking and a car came up the road and he would sit on the side of the road until the car was gone. I trained him both hand and voice signals. The car thing was simply a combination of sit and stay but combined. When the car was past it was just another hand signal for heel. Actually not hard but impressive to people that were not familiar with hand signals. ;)

2) This one I did not teach Rudy, he figured it out on his own. He LOVED beer and I'd give him a small bowl when we were partying in my back yard with a fire and a cooler full of beer. One night I was closest to the beer cooler and a friend asked for one. Not expecting anything I pointed at the person and said 'Rudy, beer'. To the amazement of all he went over and nosed open the cooler, took out a beer and delivered to the person that I had pointed. He did this forever on. The proper thank you was to pour a little beer on your hand and let him lick it up.

As a sort of funny aside there was a minor problem with Rudy and beer in a bowl. He loved it but it tickled his nose making him sneeze. Lordy! I so miss that dog!

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