Fish Ideas

Lets just say the bangaiis could make an appearance they might not, you will have to follow my journal to the bitter end :p

Thought that would be the case with the Chromis. My lfs is good that he will QT fish for a few weeks before selling them. He said he would hold any I want for about 4 weeks. He also said with the flame angel he could put it with a few corals to see what he is like with them, actually has one in his coral bit atm lol!

Fishy I will do a deal, how about you do one of your lovely montage's of fish from the list I have including you blooming bangaiis and I can see the overal look ;)
Cardinals shoaling are wicked!! They move more in a shoal, and become a bit more lively. They are so cool to watch!! :good:
When I upgrade I'm getting 5 to shoal!! :D I can only dream of a 6ft tank...
I thought cardinals fought if they wasn't a breeding pair? Or have I read that wrong?
Banggais really should be kept single or in mated pairs. If you buy a group they may act fine for a few months but once a pair is formed the pair will act aggressive to the others resulting in deaths and cowering behind the rock and in coeners unless the tank is large enough eg. 6ft+
You can have shoals of them, my mum and dad have 6 in their tank and have had them about 8 months. They pair off but still shoal together. You have to add them as juveniles in order to keep them. They shoal in the wild also.
Right been to the lfs :D Got some sand and advice on fish! He said dont bother with chromis as its hit and miss, can get other nice fish instead. No to strawberry dottyback too agresive. The longfin anthias is hawaian (sp?) so suggested the square spot instead which they have in, beautiful fish :) He said instead of the royal gramma to look at the blackcap basslet.

Any views against those? Also what about the following that he suggested:

Firefish (I know they are good!)
signal goby
coral beauty (he said can go with flame angel if added together)
Zebra swallowtail
dispar anthias

Yay or nay to the above?

your welcome


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