Fish Ideas

Lewis you are doing a top job :good: and Wee, well, so nice to see someone really considering all the options

Seffie x
Haha I might get half my hand taken off :unsure: Its bad enough in my freshwater tank and my angel fish just loves nudging me, at least I know they can't hurt me :D

Thats great to know, I like goby's! Also went on youtube for the shrimp goby combo and they look so interesting to watch, some of the vids are hilarious! A weird partnership!

Seffie, I don't want to make any mistakes in the tank, there isn't an absolute definate fish so open to any option I have. I don't want to be advertising my fish free to good home because it doesn't get on with my tank because of poor planning! Also don't want to end up overstocking and not being able to handle it!

Slow and steady is my approach! If I don't finish stocking my tank for a year thats fine by me! Gives me longer to enjoy before an upgrade occurs :lol: :hey:

Im very grateful lewiss has given his time to explain about all my choices! Helps a lot :D
Right, another question (I hear you all groan) :D

How do I go about deciding a final stocking? I mean I don't really have an idea of how many fish total I can have and what goes etc. So the only thing I can say is I want a pair of clowns as the first fish (maybe the only if I cant decide!)

As there are quite a few I like and Im not too bothered about what I do have atm. I am just worried about the kind of fish, so obvs one dwarf angel, most likely flame, I defo want a goby and possibly goby and shrimp pair. then Im kind of stuck as too the rest. Now I kind of want a regal tang if I get enough thumbs up from people that it will be ok! Also love the yellow tangs. Would love a shoal of something ie chromis. Then I love the wrasse fish because they are so colourful.

So is there some kind soul with time on their hands who fancies 1 giving me some potential stocking ideas or 2 a way to figure how many I can and cant have because I clearly cant have all of the above I want (obvs 1 of each kind)

For some reason I found that really hard to write down as I am a bit tired and stressed! So apologies for it not making sense...

Now wheres that hole I need to dig myself...
Do it this way write a list of exact species you want to keep and we'll tell you whether there's too much. Your tanks a decent size so you should be ok with a decent amount.
For example
A pair of Percular Clown Fish
A flame Angel

Etc :)
OK so I guess at the moment these are the front runners in fish for me.

Pair of clown fish
Flame Angel
Green Chromis (how many for a decent group for aggresion?)
Yellow tang
Regal tang (questionable)
Royal Gramma or Orchid dottyback (cant decide)
Carpenters Flasher Wrasse
Watanabe Angel (bellus is pos? will research a little more)
Watchman goby and pistol shrimp
Blue cheeked goby

Not a clue if Im honest if thats too many,fresh is a little easier to know stocking levels. BAsically just listed a few of my fav fishes, prob change when I go in the shop! lol

Oh actually, do you know much about the longfin anthias? Love it :D
OK so I guess at the moment these are the front runners in fish for me.

Pair of clown fish [X]
Flame Angel [X]
Green Chromis (how many for a decent group for aggresion? LOTS!!)
Yellow tang [X]
Regal tang (questionable) .......
Royal Gramma or Orchid dottyback (cant decide) ROYAL GRAMMA [X]
Carpenters Flasher Wrasse [X]
Wantanabe Angel (bellus is pos? will research a little more) ?
Watchman goby and pistol shrimp [X]
Blue cheeked goby [X]
Bangii Cardinal [X] :hey:

Not a clue if Im honest if thats too many,fresh is a little easier to know stocking levels. BAsically just listed a few of my fav fishes, prob change when I go in the shop! lol

Oh actually, do you know much about the longfin anthias? Love it :D

The ones ticked in red are great, i love them.
Your so lucky having a good wide range.
Did i mention i hate you? :grr:
Just to clear things up, those are crosses not ticks :p

Im still undecided about those bangaiis!!! Lol. Although now been looking at some blennies too as another to add!!! What do you have against the dotty?

Oh im used to being hated, just another days in my world -_- :sad:

P.s I love how you put lots, so shall 50 be about right? make a beautiful little group :fun:
Just to clear things up, those are crosses not ticks :p i ment that

Im still undecided about those bangaiis!!! Lol. Although now been looking at some blennies too as another to add!!! What do you have against the dotty? get them!! nothing against them

Oh im used to being hated, just another days in my world -_- :sad: haha, i can tell

P.s I love how you put lots, so shall 50 be about right? make a beautiful little group :fun: why would you want so little?
They aren't silly!! Lol :lol:

That looks ok size wise / stockwise - I'd only for 6 chromis though.

Sorry misses your reply on this yesterday!!
Are u sure? Wow i was expecting no too many lol. Or they shouldnt go together :)

any idea on the anthias going in too? After a little reading some say strawberry dottybacks are sometimes very aggresive, have u any experience?

Do i need to buy all chromis at the same time?
You'd be heavily stocked with tht and i counted the fish fishy marked. You could do with loosing one or two but you should be ok with that provided you add slowly!!

I've never been a fan of anthias! I find them a bit goldfish like! Same with the flayed wrasse. But that's definately just my opinion and who am I to talk when I love the cardinal!!! Lol.
By the way bangai cardinal are also shoal swimmers (if you wanted a different shoal from the Chromis)

The chromis are very important to buy as one! You need to get chromis that are in the same tank at the LFS, aren't fighting but swimming together, and then reserve them for at least a week. That''ll mean they are settled in their pack! You wouldn't want them to kill each other in your tank whilst settling terrororises!
Bangaii cardinals are very nice but they don't do an awful lot so a shoal may look a tad strange.

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