Fish Ideas

SISTER!! sorry! :) lol

If you can get a food block to stick on the tank then great but they are greatly costy! :) Flame Angel is one of my favourites but my favourite is a rock beauty! In terms of stock though... What better colour to add than red! It's very rare to get red fish and pretty easy to get yellow or blue!

You could have a look at Angel fish (not the dwarf species) - you can have one of each, ie one dwarf and one angel?

Well the regal is arguable - most will say you need bigger but some say 100 gal in enough. It's up to you but perhaps wait for other users to advise so you can see their views!

Funny enough, I don't dislike the royal grammar - I have one!! Lol. But they do tend to be a bit boring! I've seen a few dottybcks and they range from purple like royals and pinky purple (I think these are usually called strawberry dottyback?). You can get either!

Chromis are great, I'd get them!! Humbug damsels also shoul (but are aggressive too)

I have a emperor cardinal - he is wicked!!

If your tops covered how about a leopard wrasse? Great fish and very interesting to watch! Get a female if you do! Or one of each. Google them, the different sexes change their colouring greatly!
Just want to caution on the strawberry dottyback -------give them a wide berth, they are nasty lilltle monsters! Re the cardinals, remember they are nocturnal AND boring!

Seffie x
The humbugs are nice, how aggresive are they compared to chromis? I think I am still leaning towards chromis but good to explore other avenues! :D

I will listen to you seffie but WOW I love the strawberry dotty! :wub: Might have just one of them in my tank nothing else! haha! I love pink as Im a bit of a girl... no comments please!!! Any other pink suggestions?

I wasn't aware I could have a dwarf and standard angel so I will have a look at the angels. Must have got confused with the one dwarf rule!

I have noticed that there are a lot of yellow and blue in fish. There were more fish I liked the look of but I like the yellow tang so no more yellow is needed lol.

BTW if it is said I can go ahead with the regal, can I have both the regal and yellow tang? One of each? Or is it only one tang per tank?

Just googles leopard wrasse, my first impression was 'wow thats a weird fish' haha! Cant decide if I like it or not...

There goes that boring again, haha!
Haha !!! Carinals are wicked !!! Viva la cardinal!!

Angels can be kept with dwarf angels but you can't keep two different types of each. So one angel type and one dwarf angel type!! Lol. Angels are very large so you'll have to look for a smaller one!

You can keep multiple tangs - regals and yellow tangs don't get on great cos of the yellow tail but if you add them at the same time, they should be ok! Technically you can have more as longs as they not similar species.

A mandarin?? Nice colours. Need to have an established tank!
Or shrimp goby combo?
Or butterfly fish?? (big coral eaters but there's a couple you could risk)
Wrasse have lovely colours! There's a cool one in nemo's tank but the name escapes me.
I love catalina gobies?
Hawkish (rules out shrimp!)

Chromis are less agressive than humbugs in my opinion. Humbugs are lil devils.. Literally!! You can get a shoal of swalesi basslet - they're supposed to be shy and a bit pants though. They hide a lot but are better if in groups!

FireFish are good - see you commented on that already!

Have a look at triggers - again need big tanks and there are issues over reef safeness!!

Respect the leopard wrasse!!! LOL!

I've given you a few names (mainly general groups) to have a look at. Find some you like and I'll do a write up for you on each one. :good:
RIght I will go do some searching thank you :D

What do you mean a shrimp goby combo? I was planning on having both is that what you meant? sorry for being dumb :blush:

I have read a lot of threads elsewhere about people wanting a mandy and I would be worried I wouldn't be able to feed it etc. It might be something further down the line I could consider as they are beautiful!

I want shrimp as think they look awsome, so the hawkfish would have to be ruled out I think!

The guy I am getting my LR from said he has a trigger but he has eaten a lot of his CUC so if that is a problem I don't want to be providing him a nice expensive snack haha!

Oh yes that leopard wrasse.... :unsure:

Right as arnie said 'I'll be back'

Right I will just list a few fish I just see and like the look of (hope thats ok) You don't need to write up on them all just say yes or no then I can look at them more. Might be easier that way lol

orange-back fairy wrasse
rose-band fairy wrasse
dot and dash flasher wrasse
carpenters flasher wrasse
five stripe wrasse
hawaiian cleaner wrasse
red checkerboard wrasse
pink bellied wrasse

(wow this could go on and on, this is a bad idea!)

Ok the black spotted leopard wrasse is quite nice! lol

saddleback butterfly fish
copperband butterfly fish
Longnose butterfly fish
masked banner fish

bellus angel
wantanabe angel
Queen angel
emporer angel
french angel

That will do for now haha!!!!
haha i knew that would be a big list.. haha, well here it goes!!
You asked for it :lol:

But I did say dont give me detailed info on them all now! Gunna feel proper bad if you do! :look:
Firstly i'm rubbish with info on Wrasse but i'll do my best! Well they'll all 'fit' in your tank and be very happy. They all eat meaty foods unless i comment individually on them in a sec! haha :lol: Not many issues with the ones on your list. Wrasse are peaceful in general, the 6 line can be a bit of a pain if under fed and competing for food.

As with a lot of wrasse, some have a tendancy to eat small crustations (snails, etc), urchins, flatworms, etc etc The ones i can see there who are likely to do that is six line wrasse (i assume this is what you mean by 5 stripe otherwise i've not heard of that wrasse.) and the checkerboard.

I must point out i have limitted info on these fish and you might do better narrowing down your favourite and googling/asking about them. I have a good knowledge on the 6 line, checkerboard, flasher and cleaner. limited on orange back, dot and dash. none on pink bellied and rose band.

Orange-back Fairy Wrasse
rose-band fairy wrasse
dot and dash flasher wrasse

carpenters flasher wrasse
five stripe wrasse
hawaiian cleaner wrasse
red checkerboard wrasse
pink bellied wrasse
Oh yeh all wrasse are jumpers! keep a lid on! Best jumpers i know of - carp flasher wrasse, and dot and dash.

Cleaner wrasse are not advisable as their diet is mainly parasites and they tend to do very very poorly in captivity. Would advise against it.

So the mandarin goby and leopard wrasse - both eat copepods and therefore require a stable system that has matured and has a compitent supply of these marine bugs! Wait 8 months and you'll be fine to add one of these (not both) if you have a lot of rock then you should be fine.

Butterfly fish are great but some arent reef safe. copperband butterfly fish, Longnose butterfly, fish and the masked banner fish and do not naturally eat anything of harm to a reef tank but like Angels if they get hungry they will. They have been known to eat anemones, and other inverts, but believed if kept well fed they will not. Butterflys are incredibly sensitive to water quality, the slightest of ammonia will kill them quickly aswell as salinity issues, and other poor water quality. They are normally peacefull but can fight for dominance and status. Copperbands can be hard to take to aquarium feeding. Banners can be hard to acclimatise if stressed by non-peaceful fish that harrass them. Definately a fish to be added before tangs and other territorial or aggressive fish. Long nose will eat sea urchins, flatworms etc.
Saddleback butterfly fish eats LPS polyps. :( Lovely fish though!

bellus angel - possible, not 100% - need another opinion, your on the edge of tank size!
wantanabe angel - yep
Queen angel - too big for your tank :(
emporer angel - too big for your tank :(
french angel - too big for your tank :(

Not all triggers eat shrimp! I think its the indian black trigger and blue throat that are ok. But again need someone to confirm. :)

Hope you enjoyed the read again!! LOL.

i don't mind, any time! I just saw your tank, is that from maidenhead aquatics? I really want that one if it is! lol. :lol:

Looking forward to seeing your tank develop!!!

oh yeh! Goby shrimp combo is a really cool natural relationship that you can watch!!

Basically its where a shrimp and a goby share a hole in the sand. The goby collects food and takes it to the hole, the shrimp looks after it and protects it from anything else. Really interesting to watch, i'd love to see it!
The 5 stripe has a name of Thalassoma quinquevittatum did a google and could also be called pinkface wrasse.

WOuld defo have a lid, one to keep stuff out and 2 keep stuff in haha!!

I will avoid the cleaner wrasse :D thank you!

How do I know if I have copepods etc in there for them? I see people harvest their own but I would rather not do that!

Thanks for the bits on the angels! I have to big the bigs ones haha!! The wantanabe was one of my favs though, I do like some of the plainer fish, like the chalk goby, I fell in love with it when I saw it in the lfs, some think you should have more colour lol!

I might steer clear of the butterfly fish too, I don't really want to risk my corals when I get them, don't think I would get a nem ever so wouldn't have that problem. Wouldn't want to stress them out with other tanks mates either. When I look at a final list I can put them as a possible for now!

I have gone through this with an attitude of I don't care what the final stocking is I just want my tank sorted. But starting to think I need some idea so I don't end up buying a fish because I like it and ruining any future plans for the tank! Although my lfs is very reliable and probably wouldn't let me do that!

I got the tank 2nd hand for £50 as he just needed it gone for redecorating so I don't actually know where it is from. I love the cabinet though, it is built around a metal stand so should be good and sturdy!

The shrimp and goby should cute, are there only certain shrimps and gobys that go together? If I got my chalk or blue cheeked goby (or another colour) Can I keep other goby's including one with a shrimp or is it one per tank?

I will do google searches on them all, I just still haven't found a 100% reliable website for info unless you can suggest one? I find a few different sites for a fish and they sometimes vary on info or say different to people on forums. I find forum people more reliable as they have experience with the fish.

Oh one final Q, does temperature play a part in all this? I know different freshwater fish need different temps so you have to find a temp that fits them all. Is this the same in marine?

Really appreciate the info again :D You can have a rest now!!!!
Copepods will be there, if you look in at night in total darkness with a flashlight you'll see them crawling on a rock!! Just give it time and we can cross that bridge when we get to it!

Keep as many Goby's as you want!

Watchman Goby and pistol shrimp are the pair! YouTube it it's funny to watch! ;) You can keep a pistol shrimp with other shrimp too!

Same temp for all of them!
Thats good to know about the temp! Is it 26degrees? Never actually checked! lol

I will go youtube it now! I wasn't sure if goby's were another where you can only one! Can I keep different types and just one of each or better in pairs or groups?

Yes we will cross it if we get there! haha! :D

That scares me a little to look at night and see things crawling around! I won't be putting my hand in there then! make sure I get some gloves to wear :D
Haha!! Putting your hand in a tank of unknown darkness is risky stuff!! Haha.

Yeh you can keep multiple species of goby without an issue. In general if a species is similar they may fight (that's the general rule) but goby's normally just get on with it.

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