First Fry...

J0hnny said:
any pics of the fry?
Nope. They're boring looking right now anyway, but at the rate some of them are growing, they'll be picture worthy in no time. I had access to a digicam this weekend, but we were out and about - no time or battery power left for fish tank pics. :p
shrks1fan said:
I treat ich and velvet with Aquarisol, fry don't seem to be bothered by it and I haven't noticed it affecting the live food (I also use it as preventative once a week). Possibly try that if you can get it?

Turns out this is the same as the med I use:

Aquarisol is a safe and effective treatment and preventative for parasites and mild ick. Used once a week, your fish will enjoy an ick-free environment. Aquarisol is also highly effective in controlling ick outbreaks when new fish are added. In addition to this, it can be used as a net-dip to ensure clean and disease-free netting.

Use 12 drops for every 10 gallons regularly. Use once a week as a disease preventative and whenever new fish are added. For treatment of parasites, use above dosage daily and gradually raise the temperature to 85 degrees until symptoms are gone. As a net dip, use one teaspoon for every 10 gallons.

For freshwater only.

4 fl. oz.

Copper sulfate


"Mardel CopperSafe safely medicates fish suffering from ich (small white spots), velvet (yellow-white spots, loss of color), and other external parasites (visible spots, worms, rapid breathing, extra mucous). For salt and freshwater.

Use 5 mL for 4 gallons of water. Treats water for 1 month.

Remove invertebrates from tank. Maintain normal filtration and aeration. May be harmful to plants and some snails.

16 fl. oz.

Active Ingredients:
Chelated Copper Sulfate"
Maybe the fact it's "chelated" whereas Aquarisol isn't, makes a difference, although I don't see how it could, unless it's stronger <shrug>.

Well, the fry are alive and kicking. I lost one of the tiny ones, who looked like he had a crooked spine. Made me sad, but all the rest look relatively healthy. The velvet is persisting, although it seems a bit better. I am continuing to medicate. The fry are eating well and growing. Bloodworm shavings are a big hit.

After wracking my brain to figure out why they got velvet in the first place - I think y'all are right and the stress of dad's removal had something to do with it - I accidentally discovered one of the contributing factors. We all know external parasites are commonly caused by poor water conditions that lower a fishes immune system and resistance to these parasites that are usually present in our tanks (but don't usually cause a fish to be ill). I have been so careful about keeping the fry tank clean, so I was sure that couldn't be the problem. They were getting 15-20% WC 1-2x a day. As I was siphoning water into their tank a few days ago, I decided to use the fresh water to rinse some crud off of the java ferns growing on the bogwood in theie tank. While washing the plants, the water ran into all the little nooks and crannies of the bogwood, sending up an amazing amount of crud. Aha, found the reason for the outbreak, I think.... :/

I hadn't even though of it. :no:
Could be. Sorry about your losing one. It's funny how you can have so many and losing one breaks your heart :/

I just read the above involving copper ^. I hadn't seen that earlier but oddly enough I was just thinking about the copper killing your fry food and that's why I logged on. I remember reading a long time ago about the differences between chelated copper and colloidal copper (you guys know I love my colloids). Supposedly colloidal copper will rip apart a parasite on contact but chelated isn't as absorbable so only half of the med gets to the fish. Chelated minerals are bound with an amino acid so there's no instant contact. It's kind of like a slow release vitamin..

I can't seem to find colloidal copper at my heath food store. They carry a bottle of multi colloidal minerals which I use in my fry tanks. I think I'll ask them to order some copper for me and heaven forbid I see parasites again, I'll try it out ad let you guys know.
Well, they are 6 weeks old today. I believe there are 7 fry. five of them are good sized, two are growing very slowly. The velvet attack appears to be on its way out, with only one fry left infected and that one only has one spot. Medication will continue for at least a week.

I noticed significantly increased posturing this week, and the very beginnings of color. :wub: Nothing too exciting, but to me it is - a small darker line on the edge of the anal fin. I can't wait to see what they're going to look like....

6 weeks old

How big are they in this type of scale? _________?
They're runty. :/ According to Wayne's this and that's growth chart, we're behind schedule. I should have babies that are 0.80 inches long, and my big ones are probably 0.60 inches....about like this: _______. I'm wondering if it's because of the velvet or because dad's a plakat, or some of both, or something else. :dunno:

But they look a bit bigger every day, and they eat like little piggies about 4 times a day. so hopefully they'll be growing more soon...

Edited to add - I forgot to mention I have ventrals! For the last week or so, I was wondering what the threadlike things coming off of their bellies were, then I realized, ventrals!
The fry are now officially free of velvet! Whoo-hoo!


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Mom again (pardon the algae):


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Dad again:


  • dad1_2.JPG
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