Yeah,sounds normal to me too. I've seen stare downs like that as young as 2 weeks.
baby betta flares I saw the first of my plakats flaring yesterday
Jarring isn't really done in mass unless you so choose. No matter what size the spawn is. You'll usually wind up pulling a male or two on one day and maybe none for the next few days. Ya just pluck the trouble makers as they turn up. The main reason for doing this is to prevent damage to the fins of the other fry.
baby betta flares I saw the first of my plakats flaring yesterday
Not sure what you're looking for here...Now, in a big spawn, leaving him in might reduce aggression and allow you to wait longer before having to jar them, or allow you to only jar the largest, selectively jarring every few days. This would be helpful - the less jars to clean for the shorter amount of time the better.
In a small spawn, massive jarring ceases to be an issue, so who cares if aggression is limited? You can just jar the males out, and it's not like 150 of them.
Jarring isn't really done in mass unless you so choose. No matter what size the spawn is. You'll usually wind up pulling a male or two on one day and maybe none for the next few days. Ya just pluck the trouble makers as they turn up. The main reason for doing this is to prevent damage to the fins of the other fry.