First Fry...



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one more - yikes, these pictures aren't vety good...


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:hyper: :wub: :wub: wow, what sweethearts, you did such a good job at raising them!

(mom is so beatiful btw :look:)
Aw, thanks everyone.

cutecotton said:
:hyper: :wub: :wub: wow, what sweethearts, you did such a good job at raising them!

(mom is so beatiful btw :look:)

cutecotton - she won 1st place at the betta show for her category. :hey: She's kinda a weirdo. Every day in the afternoon, she takes a 2 or 3 hour nap on the filter intake. :rolleyes: :rofl:
Well, woke up today to a dead one. :( Apparently I was not careful enough cutting up the bloodworms - a rather large one found its way into the tank and choked one of my babies. So sad. :-(
Well, the fry are 7 weeks old today. :wub: There are 4 big ones, and 2 shrimpy ones. The biggest ones are nearly an inch long - they've grown a lot this week. May just be time, or it may be the fact that I'm copying Kelly and doing heavy daily water changes. I've gone from 15-20% 1-2x a day, to about 60 or 70 % daily.

They are punky! I thought I saw one flare yesterday, but it may have been wishful thinking. I'm starting to see a glimmer of color around their caudal peduncle. They are still so tiny, even though they appear to be pretty close to the size should be. Why no color yet? Is this normal?
Happy Birthday beebee's :-
:mama: :mama: :mama:
:mama: :mama: :mama:

Big water changes will help so much. You want to get rid of those pheremones. You may have seen one flare yesterday,this is just about when they start getting naughty.
wuvmybetta said:
Big water changes will help so much.
Is 60-70% daily big enough, do you think, or should I step it up? There are 6 fry left, and it's a 6 gallon tank they're in.

Hmmm- really naughty? Like jarring-naughty? Ho do I know when to start pulling the trouble makers?
You'll just know. When they have a spat and it doesn't end as quickly as it started...or when you get one little punk who thinks it's fun to bully everybody. You don't want him to damage anybody elses finnage just because he thinks it's a good time.

70% should be fine for 6 fish. Can you sex them yet? You should be able to right about now or within the next week or two. any egg spots,excessive finnage? :hey:
I can't sex them. I'll go at them today with a flashlight and see if I can spot any ovipositors. I don't know what I'm looking for in the finnage! Right now, all the bigger ones look like their tails are too long for their bodies, proportionally, if they're girls. But their bodies could catch up. :flex:

One difference is that only two of them have that black/blue lines on the edge of the anal, and both of them are developing irridescence on their anals and tails (NOT velvet, real irridescence). What differences in finnage am I looking for?
They are very cute. There are 5 left, 4 in community and 1 jarred up. 4 are about 1.25 inches now, one is still little but trying hard to catch up. They are eating like little piggies, and I told them in a few days they're going to get a grindel treat - they were excited, and wanted me to say "Thank You" to Kelly.

They get an 80% WC daily in the community, and 100% daily in teh jar. They are eating 3-5 times a day, live, frozen, and flake (boy do they hate that!). They always have the cutest fat little bellies. 3 of the large ones are coloring up like daddy - the fins are getting a lot brighter, the bodies are still just striped with a bit of pale green irridescence. One of the big ones is just flesh colored, no stripes, pale orange irridescence on the fins. I think she has an ovipositor, and is a female. I'm thinking the little one might be a female too - looks like it's the same color as big sis.
:wub: :wub: :wub:

Babies :wub:
I can't wait to see pics! I finally get to give you a taste of "oooh jar it and take pics,I wanna see!" :p

My grindal population exploded after I added the extra special ingredient that I mentioned to you. They've really taken off and it seems I have more than enough worms to feed the masses of little ones. Also....not trying to hijack but this seems like the appropriate place to mention it,I've noticed my 5 week olds who eat mainly grindals have a very clean tank. It's virtually poo-less -_- I think it's because the body uses almost everything it gets out of the grindal worm.

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