First Fry...

Bad news. Yesterday I took a good look at them, and saw the beginnings of ich. I treated the tank yesterday, and am crossing my fingers. I didn't see more then a couple of tiny spots on any of them, and a couple didn't have any at all. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that everyone is okay. -_-

Thats sucks Cation

Hope they make it.... :nod:

Come On Babies!
wuvmybetta said:
I wonder if dad's sudden disappearing act stressed them out?
I was thinking that same thing Wuv

Its like taking dad out when fry are free swimming

They get deppresed and since dad was alwas there with them maybe they got stressed seeing him leave
I was wondering the same thing. I haven't noticed any spots up until now, and the water's pretty clean in there - I change it at least once a day, most days twice. Dad's doing great in his new digs, even bubblenested last night. And the fry would run from him (well, swim! :lol: ) so it wasn't like I thought they were all attached. In fact, they've been swimming about like never before, using the whole tank, so I thought they were happier.

Wuv, I know you don't use much of anything but colloidal silver, but did I but them on death's door yesterday by treating the ich? They seem okay this morning, but I'm still concerned....
Ich and silver go well together IME. Velvet on the other hand....the silver just wouldn't get rid of it. The fry looked FANTASTIC and strong but they were covered in spots :rolleyes:

What did you treat with?
Well, I'm only assuming ich, because I only saw a few spots. but the spots are so small I can't tell if they're white or gold. I decided to use Coppersafe, since I figured it would take care of either.
Thanks, wisparian. I told them you said so! ;)

Well, new problem. After doing a water change, then feeding a few hours later, I noticed the fry's water cloud up. Copper kills invertabrates - Guess what MW and BBS are? I didn't even think of that. :rolleyes:

Sooo....keep the meds going and hoope they'll eat enough of the baby bites and frozen BBS, or stop medding, do a 50% or so H2O change (over the course of the day, not all at once!), keep the heat at 80 and salt the new water, and let them eat their live foods?
hmmm, I've never used coppersafe but I've heard it kills live foods. How fast do they die....instantly?

I'd say keep medding and feed them littler amounts more often. Just enough for them to eat quickly.
How old are they? At 3 weeks I usually start weening them from live food and onto frozen daphnia and flake then towards crushed frozen bloodworms and brine at 4 weeks.
wuvmybetta said:
hmmm, I've never used coppersafe but I've heard it kills live foods. How fast do they die....instantly?

I'd say keep medding and feed them littler amounts more often. Just enough for them to eat quickly.
How old are they? At 3 weeks I usually start weening them from live food and onto frozen daphnia and flake then towards crushed frozen bloodworms and brine at 4 weeks.
I think it was pretty close to instantly. I fed them, left the room to do something, and came back a few minutes later to watch them eat. The water was cloudy. It looked like a bacterial bloom had instantly happened, that white cloudy. I panicked, certain I had killed them all. However, they see fine so I guess I didn't. I kept thinking, "How did it get so cloudy so quickly?" - then I had an ahah moment - worms and shrimp are invertabrates, duh. Boy, is that Biology degree coming in handy now... :rolleyes:

They're 4 and a half weeks. They do get hiroki baby bites, which they eat, althoguh unenthusiastically. They eat frozen BBS, and we've tried shaved BW and jarred daphnia, but they haven't been very interested up until now. Perhaps it's time to eliminate the live foods for now, and get them on frozen and bites.
I treat ich and velvet with Aquarisol, fry don't seem to be bothered by it and I haven't noticed it affecting the live food (I also use it as preventative once a week). Possibly try that if you can get it?

shrks1fan said:
I treat ich and velvet with Aquarisol, fry don't seem to be bothered by it and I haven't noticed it affecting the live food (I also use it as preventative once a week). Possibly try that if you can get it?

I'm going to the lfs today, so I'll check. Thanks for the advice, Linda!

Edited to add - I am picking some up if I can find it - but probably won't use it this time. I'm concerned about the viability of getting all the CopperSafe out, and without knowing the reactivity of the two combined medications, I'm hesitant to try a new product in the tank. But I'll get some for the next spawn - I'd much rather be using something that folks have used with fry before with good results.

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