Well happy new year fishes... first my tank suffers a wipeout... now it seems by severums have whitespot. i'm beggining to think this tank has a gypsy curse.
My gold severum (my favourite) has sugar-sized white spots all over his fins, the green severum has a few and my female blue acara appear to have 3 on her forehead.
Water parameters are all normal. My fish get the best foods on the market, and i am religious with a capital R in doing water changes and maintaining my tank.
AS i see it there are two possible causes of this illness in my case;
1: in removing the excess severums and other fish from the tank I have stressed the fish enough to give the disease a foothold - meaning it was already present in the system
2: i have introduced it with the parrot fish.
Anyway... it seems there are a lot of potenial treatments and drawbacks...
The easiest way appears to be to turn the temperature up to 32' for 3 days - HOWEVER - the the heaterstat that came with my tank is only 200w and i remember the instructions stating in
bold that it was designed to keep the tank around 'normal' tropical temperature within a normal home - ie it was not powerful enough to heat the water to extremes, or maintain the temp in very cold situations.
if i turn the heat up, and the heater can't get the tank to 32' for the 3 days required to kill the parasite, then all i am doing is speeding up it's lifecycle and making it more infectious to my fish...
I've treated whitespot with octozin from waterlife before - but have since been told this is not the best treatment for it... i've also been told that dropping a penny into the tank will release enough copper to kill the parasites, but this doesn;t seem very scientific.
i'm not going to be able to get any medication today - so i was wondering what the UK members here have used succesfully to treat whitespot???
Thanks in advance for your help
I hate people that say they shouldent be sold because they are 'deformed'. Your fish prove they are 'Normal'. Are any of yours dyed?
I have not, and will not ever buy fish that are dyed - it's obvious when they are. I also tell shopkeepers that i think it's digusting they sell them if i ever see them in a store... usually VERY loudly.