You have got some guts and i would of had a break down if it happened to me, so well done! Im only 14 aswell. Im the softest teenage boy ever! lol 

You have got some guts and i would of had a break down if it happened to me, so well done! Im only 14 aswell. Im the softest teenage boy ever! lol![]()
I'm SO sorry to hear of this, am heartbroken for you![]()
So Sorry Jamie.
Know what your going thru, Had a MAJOR crash Today and lost over 20 fish.
Oh my god, the exact same thing happened to me on New Years day with my Juwel 200w heater.
My thermometer was off the scale, the water was hot to touch - every fish died (two very..very slowly)
My thread about it was over at: http/
I'm really sorry to hear about your loss - I'm hoping it brings you comfort to know that you are not alone.
I hope that you build up the courage to start again, I steralized my tank today and am hoping to start again - without the use of any Juwel equipment.
Sorry to hear about your trajedy, surely your next attempt cant go wrong again. Just keep your chin up![]()
That really sucks, I hope you have a better luck next time, you sure deserve it.
my sympathies.
I had a heater problem, but luckily only in a small tank. Totally fried the krib, but the zebra danios were all fine!
gutted for you mate,but im sure youll get back on your bike and try agian eh.if its any help when your ready to go again i'll donate my plec if you wana re house it.keep your chin up geeza