Ehudd's Nano Journal

Meh, that's nothing. If I remember correctly, this is a 30g, so that's average. My 70l looses about 1.5l a day...
Meh, that's nothing. If I remember correctly, this is a 30g, so that's average. My 70l looses about 1.5l a day...
no my tank is a standard 2 ft, so like 60L or something lol.
Well i havent been home for days, so hopefully when iget home it wont be algea over grown





wish he wasnt so destructive otherwise i would keep him! hes a beautiful colour. I will get him out abit later, might even not add fish and leave it has his tank! :)

water is fine, calcium has come down to 500 but kh dropped to 5! just gotta get it stable.
Nitrate are 10ppm, im going to leave it for awhile longer b4 adding anythign else
That would be the front end of a nice Mantis Shrimp won't it :lol: Aw, lovely creatures really. I didn't like them as first, but they really do grow on you once you've seen one. Such a shame they are predatory :sad:

I'd probably up the Alk a bit to be fare if Ca is high, or you may get the Calcium precipitating out, killing the mantis and any coral you have... Many people will happily buy the mantis off you of you choose not to keep it :nod: I would check on the Mg levels also if you do up Alk though :good:

All the best
With regards to the calc, mag, kh, etc, I would just leave it. by dosing without really needing to and not being careful about it you are going to cause more problems then you will solve. I would just do a large water change with a decent brand of salt and leave the dosing well alone (it really isnt needed at all unless you have tanks that are stuffed full of SPS corals or you have a large tank where regular waterchanges arent very pratical).

Mantis shrimp are very cool, I would love to get a peacock mantis. What kind is he?
With regards to the calc, mag, kh, etc, I would just leave it. by dosing without really needing to and not being careful about it you are going to cause more problems then you will solve. I would just do a large water change with a decent brand of salt and leave the dosing well alone (it really isnt needed at all unless you have tanks that are stuffed full of SPS corals or you have a large tank where regular waterchanges arent very pratical).

Mantis shrimp are very cool, I would love to get a peacock mantis. What kind is he?

He is a G. Smithii, Ski would love this mantis!

I also want a peacock, i have kept alot of spieces, but a peacock would end my search
Cool, I did consider getting one of them for my nano awhile ago as they dont get quiet as big as the peacocks.
Yup, I'd definitely love to get my hands on that little guy :)

Been taking it really slow, decided i would get some stuff in today!
First up my Onyx clowns

A green BTA i got for them (dont think they like it lol)

and a FTS

I also made a Refugium out of an Aqua clear 80 HOB. Just bought a light did some mod here and there and its going great
Just remind me what lighting you have? BTA's are recommended for mature tanks with lots of light only. Mature your tank ain't and I can't remember what lighting you have at this stage. it will need at least 4 T5's though, all white. You need additional lamps if you want to have Actinics fitted to the tank also...

Good call on the HOB Reforgium though :nod:

Oh, and for gods sake get those Tunze pumps and filter inlets covered now!!! They are not Anemone safe. With them uncovered it's only a matter of time before the Anemone gets sucked in and killed. Trust me here, I found out the hard way myself :sad:

All the best
I have ordered halides, should be here in the next week.
I have only a compact fluro on atm, but as i said, in a week halides.
How do you suggest i cover it? The BTA has been in the same spot for hours now, hopefully he likes it there, but i have kept many, i know it will move, and to really stupid spots.
Wish the clowns would at least give it a chance, they just swim up and down constantly, gives me a headache!
When you get the halides, start them a good few feet above and drop them down slowly over a few days. That's quite some lighting boost, for an animal that likely had less than ideal light at the shop also. Putting them strait over it's head would likely bleach it... Anyhow, sounds like you have had nems before and likely know that already... What Halide Unit did you opt for? (I'm mainly being nosey here :p )

Covering Tunze pumps is something I didn't work out how to do without basically loosing all flow from the pump... For now, I'd get coarse sponge or woollen socks over it, and look into Tunze pump mods (Seffie I think has a guard for these pumps and will hopefully be along to show a design off for you shortly, if not it would be Trod I remember mentioning it...) and follow such a guide if it's proven to work for the designer :good: However, if you cannot find a way to fashion a better guard after a few day, you'll likely have to do as I did and switch to MJ's and use a sponge on them. They can suck against the resistance of a sponge, Tunze pump cannot unfortunately :sad:


EDIT to add, you do have the mantis out at this point don't you? I know, stupid question, but I had to ask...
funny story bout the mantis
I took the rocks out trying ti find him for ages today
did a filter change and found mantis remains, looks like he tryed in investigating the HOB!


I leave the room for 1 min, and come back to this, where did it come from?
On/In the anemone I'd guess, in the slim chance that it wasn't a hitch-hiker that's gone un-noticed on the LR :good: I wonder what it actually is, not seen any shrimp like that before... You'd be supprised at what an Anemone will travel with. One of works spat out a Horseshoe crab after being in the shop for 4 weeks. Shore has heck wasn't something we'd put in the tank with it, so must have been intended as lunch...
On/In the anemone I'd guess, in the slim chance that it wasn't a hitch-hiker that's gone un-noticed on the LR :good: I wonder what it actually is, not seen any shrimp like that before... You'd be supprised at what an Anemone will travel with. One of works spat out a Horseshoe crab after being in the shop for 4 weeks. Shore has heck wasn't something we'd put in the tank with it, so must have been intended as lunch...

Turns out there is 2 of the litte guys! cept one is huge compared, the other looks underdeveloped, has some marking, but nothing like the one i have shown you, that are hanging out together fine.

Got an ID
Pacific Clown Anemone Shrimp

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