Ehudd's Nano Journal

What's your stats sitting at the minute Ehudd.

Looks like the rock wasn't cured properly. You'll just have to wait it out. Mine was a nightmare, I thought the thing was never gonna cycle. Dont worry too much about the rock being grubby. When everything is up and running and before you add corals. Get yourself a Sea Hare it will munch most of your algae down to manageable size.
I found that out by mistake it came in as a hitch-hiker and it was brilliant at algae removal.
What's your stats sitting at the minute Ehudd.

Looks like the rock wasn't cured properly. You'll just have to wait it out. Mine was a nightmare, I thought the thing was never gonna cycle. Dont worry too much about the rock being grubby. When everything is up and running and before you add corals. Get yourself a Sea Hare it will munch most of your algae down to manageable size.
I found that out by mistake it came in as a hitch-hiker and it was brilliant at algae removal.

hey bigC thanks for replying
my rock actually looks really good, no brown algea on it at all, alot of different marco algea gowing on it, looks really cool i will take a photo.
Out of all my tanks, this has been a nightmare, its funny, the more you know the harder it is! with my other tanks i knew nothing and just fluked it and they lived awsome, now i know basics, and nothing is going right!
Im going to be patient tho, it will be worth it to have an awsome tank.

The ammonia is higher than the actual chart and nitrate is 15pmm. 1.025 salinity.
I will do all the tests midweek sometime.
The ammonia is higher than the actual chart and nitrate is 15pmm. 1.025 salinity.
I will do all the tests midweek sometime.
You'll just have to wait it out mate, nothing else for it.
Great scape though I wouldn go changing it. It will evolve anyhow with the addition of corals which are almost always attached to a clump of LR.
I'll keep checking back to see how things are going
Two weeks. if it is un-cured, you still have loads of waiting to do :sad: Work gets "cured" live-rock delivered from London, and that usually takes about 3-4 weeks to re-cure :nod: When they used to buy un-cured, it took nearer 3 months to become ready for sale as cured rock. If it was un-cured, make yourself ready for a looooooooonnnnnnnnnnnngggggggggggggggg wait :nod:

All the best
Two weeks. if it is un-cured, you still have loads of waiting to do :sad: Work gets "cured" live-rock delivered from London, and that usually takes about 3-4 weeks to re-cure :nod: When they used to buy un-cured, it took nearer 3 months to become ready for sale as cured rock. If it was un-cured, make yourself ready for a looooooooonnnnnnnnnnnngggggggggggggggg wait :nod:

All the best

Nitrates are up, my ammonia should start coming down this week. Hopefully by next weekend i can add the CUC.
That is possible if it was "cured" rock that spent a little too long "in transit" (couple of days out of water. Some internet order firms just re-package their rock on receipt and leave it sat on the warehouse floor for a couple of weeks before shipping it :/ ). It looks like it's un-cured for whatever reason now though to me, so I wouldn't get your hopes up to high :sad: I hope for your sake though that is isn't a 3 month cycle, that would be a murderous waiting time :rolleyes:
Depends how much you are going to add. Adding only a relatively small ammount is unlikely to make much difference. If you are getting on for doubling the amount, you will likely see a notable difference :good:
Depends how much you are going to add. Adding only a relatively small ammount is unlikely to make much difference. If you are getting on for doubling the amount, you will likely see a notable difference :good:
i put my OLD red sea berlin skimmer in, just an air driven one, just wanted to have 2 running, was away for 2 days, came back to see a WHOLE cup of black muck in it, and my new skimmer with nothing!!!
Needless to say.... ammonia....

wait for it....

as for nitrites and nitrates NOTHING! Big sigh of releif, but im going to leave it to sit a little more, maybe for another week, got the same crabs back into the tank now, gonna guy some snails to, im so happy you think adding some fully cured rock would help seed the uncured stuff? or just add to the problems?
Absolutely would help in this situation, even a modest amount of say 1-2kg would be a big help in both the seeding and starting to process some of that ammonia.
i put my OLD red sea berlin skimmer in, just an air driven one, just wanted to have 2 running, was away for 2 days, came back to see a WHOLE cup of black muck in it, and my new skimmer with nothing!!!
Needless to say.... ammonia....

wait for it....

as for nitrites and nitrates NOTHING! Big sigh of releif, but im going to leave it to sit a little more, maybe for another week, got the same crabs back into the tank now, gonna guy some snails to, im so happy

Thats good news Ehudd B-) , Have those hitchhiking rics survived ok?
Thats good news Ehudd B-) , Have those hitchhiking rics survived ok?

yea they are doing OK, not to great, they looked really bad, so a kind reefer is baby sitting for me.
I hope they turn out okay!
I got a new toy! Tunze 6025
Here it is today

Ammonia - 0
Nitrite - 0
Nitrate - 0
SG - 1.024

I will get it further tested on the weekend. Work doesnt give me much time

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