Ahhh well.... seeing as I am a bit of a 'picture whore' i think i ought to put up some more pictures...
It was a right pain in the #17#####, i had to do a waterchange xmas eve and so changed things a bit... forgetting i was leaving early and didnt have time to rearrange stuff! So everything is kind of neatly dumped in there for now! Its going to be changed a fair bit i think, i dont like all the huge bits of liverock, it takes up so much space and not handy for putting corals on!
However... Have put in some more zoas, a purple barnacle decoration which thankfully dulls down in colour and i will hopefully get covered in zoas or mushies...
But guess whose home its going to be oh yeah... i want a sailfin blenny! Yes I do!
Ooops and the red Feather duster has gone in too. Temporarily in the barnacle to protect it as i have something in the tank still eating turbos! Baaahhh!
I killed 27 asterina stars on xmas eve too.... merry bloomin christmas
Oh yeah... photos.... i knew that!
Large Rhodactis
Smaller Rhodactis now has awesome green lines on it now that look great under blue leds!
Yuma with its bright green mouth parts that it wont show off unless feeding
Clowns hosting large Rhodactis
Better photo of my original zoas (there are a fair few colours but the ones with white spots are amazing!!)
A few little zoas i managed to frag off the system and superglue onto the rock!
Original Zoas left, new Zoas right with barnacle for the sailfin blennies to come and the red feather duster
FTS and im just not happy with it now LOL
...... and the token hermit LOL they are always sitting right up at the glass!
It was a right pain in the #17#####, i had to do a waterchange xmas eve and so changed things a bit... forgetting i was leaving early and didnt have time to rearrange stuff! So everything is kind of neatly dumped in there for now! Its going to be changed a fair bit i think, i dont like all the huge bits of liverock, it takes up so much space and not handy for putting corals on!
However... Have put in some more zoas, a purple barnacle decoration which thankfully dulls down in colour and i will hopefully get covered in zoas or mushies...
But guess whose home its going to be oh yeah... i want a sailfin blenny! Yes I do!
Ooops and the red Feather duster has gone in too. Temporarily in the barnacle to protect it as i have something in the tank still eating turbos! Baaahhh!
I killed 27 asterina stars on xmas eve too.... merry bloomin christmas
Oh yeah... photos.... i knew that!
Large Rhodactis
Smaller Rhodactis now has awesome green lines on it now that look great under blue leds!
Yuma with its bright green mouth parts that it wont show off unless feeding
Clowns hosting large Rhodactis
Better photo of my original zoas (there are a fair few colours but the ones with white spots are amazing!!)
A few little zoas i managed to frag off the system and superglue onto the rock!
Original Zoas left, new Zoas right with barnacle for the sailfin blennies to come and the red feather duster
FTS and im just not happy with it now LOL
...... and the token hermit LOL they are always sitting right up at the glass!