Why thankies!
Im really peeved
I cant find that ruddy snail!!
The skimmer is now working perfectly!
its actually surprisingly good LOL
New Year Resolution.... find some patience!!
I was really annoyed, i started work a little later today but go in to find the rhodactis had stretched out (and forwards!) so much that it had unlodged its rock and fallen face down on the sand.
Will teach me to leave things alone as i kept moving bits about...
One of the mushies was going really slimey... like... proper... OMG dead slime! So i panicked and took it out, stuck it on the system adn by the end of the day it was right as rain.
Swapped it for another (oh the luxury!) but this one i checked first and it flouresces (sp) green!! So chuffed with that!
Argh... probably other stuff i wanted to say but i cant rememember...
God im having one of those days..
i decided i was sick of the fluidized sand bed running empty and slowly on the system.. so knowing NOTHING about sand bed filters or how they work, never having dealt with one yet... and no instructions... i thought it was time i took it apart and cleaned it...
Epic fail... repeatedly... ending with me getting the pipes the wrong way round and after 3 hours of dismatling it quickly and trying to get it back together... i turned the pump on only to discover that on the wrng pipe... it emptied the whole sandbed into the coral vat.... #138## genius!
I then had to siphon it all out again.... pick all the bits out and carefully and pain stakingly put about a kilo of sand back through the tiny hole 1 teaspoon at a time...
I swear things like this only ever happen to me!