Dyed and Hybrid Fish..what we all should know

That's a very broad and general assumption on the shops. Some might have their main selling item as dyed fish or rely heavily on it to sell. It's still a sticking point that few people understand.

I wouldn't say fish suffer either. There's still no consensus on whether they even feel pain. The practice is barbaric however and cruel even if the fish don't feel pain so there's no complaints from me over stopping it.

If people knew what went on with dyeing, or the fact the dye wears off in a year or two, and how the fish might die from complications related to the dye (which is still something no one has a definitive answer on) then people would buy them less. It should be akin to consumer fraud selling dyed fish and not telling the customer beforehand.
and how the fish might die from complications related to the dye (which is still something no one has a definitive answer on)

From what I have gathered.....the dye is a poison to the fishs' immune system. Every second of every hour of EVERY DAY the fish is alive it's immune system is SO busy trying to fight these poisonous invaders that the immune system is worn out and weak.......leaving the fish suseptible to disease or just plain killing it off earlier in life!

I've read otherwise that once the dye is out of their system, which is normally a year or so, they go on to live normal, average lives, hence why I don't think the claim is as true as some make it out to be. There's no doubt some truth to it but IMO it's probably exaggerated to make it sound worse than it is.
Its very very unsettling to read about how fish dyeing is carried on. :sick: I thought those pink and blue carnations(white flowers put in dyed water) looked strange enough being sold but there are whiteskirt tetras regularly carried at our Walmart that have the exact same colours of pink and blue added to them. UGH. My daughter SnowyAngel bought a blue dyed tetra and he did finally lose his dye and what a gorgeous fish he's turned out to be. They look MUCH better without the dye.

I suppose it opens up a whole kettle of fish(pardon the expression) but this is rather like the common practises of clipping dog's ears and docking their tails for fashion's sake(ie. Boxers, Dobermanns). In horse showing it was rampant for awhile to cut the nerves in the horses' tails, so the tail just hung there, falsely making the horse look like it was relaxed and well trained, not to mention operating on their ears to make them always prick forwards! :crazy: Next thing they'll be doing this to humans....wait, they already are...plastic surgery and implants galore...if you haven't got it, they can add it. Mind you have we been dyed yet? oh tanning booths and fake tan lotions...my mistake. :S

And yeah I confess that's not my natural picture but the cat looks better in curls than I would.

Yo people.

What is wrong with glowfish? They are not subjected to injections or dipping, so what is so bad? It isnt cruel.

But i think instead of making fish glow, they should make fish hardier.

Very good topic. Cruelty should be exposed like this, raw and with a lot of backup evidence.

Painted fish kind of look like clowns (meaning people clowns not the breed of fish, lol) in my opinion.

It seems that the physical appearence of fish are more of a concern to these people than the actual breed or lifestyle, meaning that they probably sell these fish to people who have never really cared for fish, but think they're 'cool' so they purchase them..
Phantom Thief said:
Yo people.

What is wrong with glowfish? They are not subjected to injections or dipping, so what is so bad? It isnt cruel.

But i think instead of making fish glow, they should make fish hardier.

apart from the legal, moral and ethical issues?
it's an abonination to mother nature! IMO

by the way; all referances to glofish should have ™ after it
as it is a trademark of glofish corp. (glofish™)

it may shorten their lifespan somehow :dunno: Also, I wouldn't think other fish would like a glowing roomate all that much :no: :dunno:
I don't know, Neons, Cardinals, Glowlights all glow or reflect and no fish has ever had a problem with them...
But that has nothing to do with your previous arguement. I don't see anyone saying anything about the numerously deformed goldfish out there either.
Teelie said:
But that has nothing to do with your previous arguement. I don't see anyone saying anything about the numerously deformed goldfish out there either.
or dogs or cats or birds
mankind will always try to inprove on mother nature,
but she always wins in the end.
for those of you who have stores that sell these fish, i suggest you get some of these stickers and stick them on the tanks. (yes-i just advocated vandalism.) or click the last link onthis page and get a free sheet. i also use them at home to stick on all of my mothers cosmetics that are tested on animals so she will know what NOT to buy again. i love those stickers 8)

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