Fish Crazy
I don't have any problems with breeding fish for certain attributes, but dyed fish? That's just wrong (unless it's through all-natural food, like how wild salmon are pink from eating krill).
I just found a new fish. A " fluorescent black tetra". Are these dyed? They look like glofish but with black skirt tetras..I saw them at petco.
Balloon mollies and balloon rams are not hybrids but are genetically mutated fish. Some years ago the breeders found a fish that was deformed by genetics and they bred that fish and encouraged the short fat body.I own a few balloon mollies, but I got them before I was aware of their "condition", so to speak; therefore, I am giving them the best aquarium and the best life I possibly can. @silver, can you please add betta splendens to this list? They are not hybrids and are not dyed but I think it's terrible that they are some of the most personable, and sometimes active fish, but are forced to live in "aquariums" of 1/4 gallon!
I am sure hoping that Aberdeen Aquarist did not mean to say that they DO NOT eat fish, since they have kept fish as pets, but "the mother in law in another matter"... DO NOT EAT your mother in law, OR your pet fish !!! LOL OK, I will stop now.... it is a response to a thread from near 7 years ago.... I find humor in everything!....any hobby which deliberately causes an animal to feel pain is cruel imo. I don't even eat fish as I don't feel comfortable with eating something I keep as a pet, but the mother in law is a different matter![]()