Dwarf Puffer And Shrimps

Wow that wood is awesome! So is the tank!

I bow down to theee :D
What heater do you use for your nano tank? size, make type etc

Ive just acquired a 20L nano minus a heater!
Thanks Esfa :D I love that wood too though it's such an awkward shape for tying anything to it :lol:

LastBoy5cout, the heater is a 50W Chinese make called "Johnlen" that I bought in Hong Kong when I went holiday a couple of years ago. For a 20 ltr tank, you can use a 25W or 50W heater. There are some more "petite" heaters around for smaller tanks.
It looks very nice, I like the wood too and the anubias looks nice and small, the willow moss is looking very good, it grows fast when its happy. Shrimp do love bloodworm, I should feed it more often. Got a few half decent pics of ninjas will post some if I dont get any better ones.
Thanks Liam :D It is a more of a functional tank setting rather than aesthetically pleasing. Like little Fatty's sleeping basket :lol: She still sleeps in there every night. So sweet :wub: The oversized wood is very useful for the shrimps and puffers. There is a big through tunnel/cave at the base with various entrances/exits and the shrimps and puffers love it.

Funny about feeding shrimps bloodworms. They seem to react faster to bloodworms and brine shrimps than to the shrimp pellets and other food. Even the shy ninjas would come out from hiding for a piece of bloodworm.

Your shrimp pictures are always amazing :good: Can't wait to see your ninjas :D
Just feel like posting a few random pics :D

This little guy was about a week old and it puffed up for some unknown reason.

The mum - my oldest female DP. Still big as ever :lol:

A ninja shrimp

Ninja and cherries having dinner

More cherries

beautiful pictures i will get dp's when the children leave home in 30 years lol
i adore shrimpies they are so funny and great little clean up crew , and the tank looks amazing

take care and have fun with your fishy kids ;)

Sarah xxx
I really need to get some DPs. They are adorable.
Get some or even one. They are packed full of character :D

beautiful pictures i will get dp's when the children leave home in 30 years lol
i adore shrimpies they are so funny and great little clean up crew , and the tank looks amazing

take care and have fun with your fishy kids ;)

Sarah xxx

Thank you Sarah :D I agree, shrimps are really interesting :D :D
Just a few recent pictures :D
Red cherries.

Ninja shrimp trying his invisible trick.

My messy algae tank :blush:

I had to hide behind a box in order to photograph my shy puffs.

My big, mean male puff Noseybum.

Tiny Smartypants.
Is that a 20L tank?

I have a 27L cycling at the moments, could I add 1 or more to that?

I really want shrimp as well, is there anyway which I could reduce the likelihood of the DP(s) attacking them?

Is that a 20L tank?

I have a 27L cycling at the moments, could I add 1 or more to that?

I really want shrimp as well, is there anyway which I could reduce the likelihood of the DP(s) attacking them?


The stocking for DPs is 1 DP for every 5 galloons of water. so 20L = 5(ish) gallons = 1 DP.
This is becouse though they are small, they are also vey messy and very teritorial.
Is that a 20L tank?

I have a 27L cycling at the moments, could I add 1 or more to that?

I really want shrimp as well, is there anyway which I could reduce the likelihood of the DP(s) attacking them?


The stocking for DPs is 1 DP for every 5 galloons of water. so 20L = 5(ish) gallons = 1 DP.
This is becouse though they are small, they are also vey messy and very teritorial.
How come there is 2/3 in that tank?

Sorry, I dont mean to sound nasty and picky in that..I'm new to DP's, considering them now..

Anyway I can help with the shrimpy side of things?


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