Dwarf Puffer And Shrimps

How come there is 2/3 in that tank?

Sorry, I dont mean to sound nasty and picky in that..I'm new to DP's, considering them now..

Anyway I can help with the shrimpy side of things?


Well how many you put is down to the individuals discretion. The general rule is that you SHOULD keep 1 DP per 5 gallons.
If you keep more, you should aim for 2 females to 1 male.

Shrimps add very little to the bio load so you could easily add a few of them.
Me personaly, I wouldn't keep more than 1 in a 20L tank. The DPs like to dart around the tank, so space is a must. They also need an area that is "their own".
The stocking for DPs is 1 DP for every 5 galloons of water. so 20L = 5(ish) gallons = 1 DP.
This is becouse though they are small, they are also vey messy and very teritorial.
Fully agree.

Is that a 20L tank?

I have a 27L cycling at the moments, could I add 1 or more to that?

I really want shrimp as well, is there anyway which I could reduce the likelihood of the DP(s) attacking them?
It is a 48L tank. The huge heater & bogwood makes it look smaller. I would only keep two DPs in there if I had a choice.

I am fully aware that my tank is very overstocked. Thank you for the concern. All these puffers are my tank bred babies and I do need to re-home them when the tiny puff/puffs get a little older (the smallest baby is only 1/2"). I make sure I do 70% water change weekly and I also have extra (doubled the original) sintered glass filter media in the filter as well.

As with shrimps. My DPs love eating shrimplets but leave the bigger ones alone. You can see that my shrimps have fully intact limbs and antennae from my pictures. Bogwood & plants help give shrimplets a better chance of survival.
I didn't mean to sound snotty in that, hopefully I didn't come across as such, however, if I did, you have my apologies.

OK, I can't make up my mind between having an all shrimp tank, or trying a male Betta and shrimp, or some Pygmy Corys and shrimp, or now a/some DP with shrimp..

Ugh..Any help welcome..

Declan, no offence taken :) Now I've re-read my own post and I did come across as rather blunt which wasn't my intention..oops :blush: I do understand people can get very concerned when they see an overstocked tank too.

For a 27L tank, all your options listed are tempting :D.... Wish I had the room for a shrimp only tank myself :lol: But if I had to choose one, definitely a DP+shrimp tank :lol: :rolleyes:
Declan, no offence taken :) Now I've re-read my own post and I did come across as rather blunt which wasn't my intention..oops :blush: I do understand people can get very concerned when they see an overstocked tank too.

For a 27L tank, all your options listed are tempting :D.... Wish I had the room for a shrimp only tank myself :lol: But if I had to choose one, definitely a DP+shrimp tank :lol: :rolleyes:
Ugh..so many people throwing options at me..CHOICES..and to some its a nice place to be..


How much does a DP cost? Are there any types I should avoid? IE, species..

Is there anyway in which I can reduce the chances of the shrimp getting attacked, or harrassed?

What general/specific care do DPs need?

Thanks for the help, I understand I am asking a lot..

Unfortunately, with a 27L tank, there is only one puffer that is suitable i.e. dwarf puffer (Carinotetraodon travancoricus) -- ones shown in my pictures.

They cost about £2-£3 each round here. For general care, check out the species profile on this site (link in my signature) If you are going to get a DP, make sure you pick a round plump one. Internal parasites is another concern that will put people off so do some more research first.

Both dwarf puffers and shrimps are more sensitive to poor water conditions compared to many other fish so clean water is utmost important. From personal experience, DPs are very picky eaters. They don't eat any flake/pellet food. They should be fed a variety of frozen/live bloodworms, glass worms, brine shrimps, etc... Live snails are one of their favourite food so be prepared to keep a snail hatchery too.
Unfortunately, with a 27L tank, there is only one puffer that is suitable i.e. dwarf puffer (Carinotetraodon travancoricus) -- ones shown in my pictures.

They cost about £2-£3 each round here. For general care, check out the species profile on this site (link in my signature) If you are going to get a DP, make sure you pick a round plump one. Internal parasites is another concern that will put people off so do some more research first.

Both dwarf puffers and shrimps are more sensitive to poor water conditions compared to many other fish so clean water is utmost important. From personal experience, DPs are very picky eaters. They don't eat any flake/pellet food. They should be fed a variety of frozen/live bloodworms, glass worms, brine shrimps, etc... Live snails are one of their favourite food so be prepared to keep a snail hatchery too.
Would you recommend a male or female? As I haven't seen any in my LFS, so they would probably have to order them in, and I'm sure they will just give me snails when I ask for then, and I will give them a leaf and a bowl..*no idea if that is plausable..only joking, if it is though, let me know!*

How would I keep live bloodworms, glass worms, brine shrimp, etc..?

How do I keep a snail hatchery?


[Edit : And can I do it in a 27L?]
I just buy the live food and keep them in my fridge :p They usually stay good for about a week as long as you change some water (a bit hard with brine shrimps since it's salt water). Frozen food is my DPs' main diet and live is for treats.

Snail hatchery.... preferably a small filtered tank but if not, then a large transparent/semi-transparent container with lots of plant clippings on a window sill is how I have mine. Change water every 2-3 days instead of once a week in this case.
I just buy the live food and keep them in my fridge :p They usually stay good for about a week as long as you change some water (a bit hard with brine shrimps since it's salt water). Frozen food is my DPs' main diet and live is for treats.

Snail hatchery.... preferably a small filtered tank but if not, then a large transparent/semi-transparent container with lots of plant clippings on a window sill is how I have mine. Change water every 2-3 days instead of once a week in this case.
Well I will definetly have to look into this a bit more then! Thank you very much for all of your help..

One last Q for now, or until I think of more..

Any particular type of snail?

Best prolific breeders: tadpole/pouch snails and ramshorn snails. Pond snails are good too but I find them a bit too slow to hatch and the full grown adults are a big too big for a window sill tub.
Best prolific breeders: tadpole/pouch snails and ramshorn snails. Pond snails are good too but I find them a bit too slow to hatch and the full grown adults are a big too big for a window sill tub.

Sorry..I though of another one, when is the best stage to feed them to my future DP?

Oh, and do they actually puff up at anything?

Best are the small baby ones about the size of the puffer's eye so that the puffer can crunch the whole snail.

They very rarely puff up for no reason. It is a defence mechanism and is stressful for them to do that. They can puff up if they are in a severe fight with each other or in shock. Also, I've seen a couple of my baby ones puffing for practice (presumably).
Best are the small baby ones about the size of the puffer's eye so that the puffer can crunch the whole snail.

They very rarely puff up for no reason. It is a defence mechanism and is stressful for them to do that. They can puff up if they are in a severe fight with each other or in shock. Also, I've seen a couple of my baby ones puffing for practice (presumably).
OK puffing = bad.

Any ideas where I could get those snails? LFS?

And, how often do they breed?

No need to pay LFS for those. They breed like mad :lol: I can send you some if you ever decide to keep a DP :)
No need to pay LFS for those. They breed like mad :lol: I can send you some if you ever decide to keep a DP :)
May have to take you up on that offer! Seriously tempting now..

Whats the best age to buy a DP? Do I want them younger? How long do they live for?


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