Discus In Distress!


I know where you live
Nov 13, 2006
Reaction score
Peoria, Illinois
I have a discus that has a eye infection that I am treating with Furan-2 and fin and tail rot which I am treating with anti-Fungus. It has not eaten in a while and looks pretty skinny( Might be because they are shaped like a plate). It also has some issues swimming and staying upright and seems to be swaying sometimes. Should I give this thing another week or not. Please help.
If he's pretty skinny and is eating looking at fish tb to internal parasites.
Check out when he goes to the toilet, and also check the anus to see if it's red and inflamed or enlarged.
I do not have any other discus( yet). I bought him sick because he looked so sad and helpless I couldnt bare to watch him die. I did a water change today and he has perked up quite abit. He is still not eating and his poop is like any other regulars fishies but he barley ever poops( hence the fact that he wont eat). I got a new medicine called Marcaryn 2 by Mardel Labs. I have had great succes with this medicine before anf hope to again. Anyboby think that I should give it until it dies or just pitch it?
Yes I would give it ago, good luck.
I do not have any other discus( yet). I bought him sick because he looked so sad and helpless I couldnt bare to watch him die. I did a water change today and he has perked up quite abit. He is still not eating and his poop is like any other regulars fishies but he barley ever poops( hence the fact that he wont eat). I got a new medicine called Marcaryn 2 by Mardel Labs. I have had great succes with this medicine before anf hope to again. Anyboby think that I should give it until it dies or just pitch it?
Even though they pick on one fish(Give plenty of hiding space)Discus really need to be in a shoal of 6+ to feel comfortable.One on his own will be stressed,but if you have bought a sick fish I don't know if adding more at the minute would be a good idea.catch 22 situation really. :crazy:
No don't add anymore fish.
Good luck.
Hi, I will answer your question shortly I need to find some info for you, if possible could you post your water readings PH, nitrates etc...also a little about your water changes (how often, how much)

I just bought a master test kit and it read nitrates 20, nirites .5, hardness 90, alkalinity 100, ph 7.0. hope this helps( not the perfect water, still working on it. He is still not eating and is not swimming as much as he has.
Sadly he's not sounding to good, sorry.
Waterchange daily until that nitrite comes down. Discus are pretty sensitive to poor water quality.
He is not looking too good today. Last night I had to take out the borelli and pleco because they were " pecking" at his slime coat. Can someone help me save this Discus!!!!!!!!

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