Discus In Distress!

Sorry there nothing to do if he's not eating, might be best to put him out of his misery, sorry.
You have to do everything you can to lower nitrites. If you can, remove all the other fish in the tank (so there is less waste produced). Any uneaten food whould be siphoned up after 30 mins max - try offering him frozen bloodworm, but any not eaten will need to be removed quickly. You must also do frequent water changes - say 25% per day, even twice a day. The reading isn't ridiculously high, but discus are really sensitive to any water quality issue.
IMO you need to concentrate on the water, and get him back to health before considering your next move re: tank size and companions.
Since Tuesday night he has been the only thing in there. I live in Peoria,Ill And are tap water sucks. You can add all kinds of chemicals to it before it is perfect but that costs too much. We have lots of local breeders here that are very succseful and all they use is ammonia-begone and Nuetral regulator. I just finished my tanks last dose of Maracryn Plus. So is it okay to start doing water changes now? Oh and the Maracryn plus hasnt worked yet.
If the maracyn not working not good news as it should of done something, means the fish is to far gone, sorry.
I still want to try and save it. It is a fighter for sure. Another member I cant remeber her name said that it is not eating because of a internal parasite and i think that she knows what she is doing. Does anyone know of a dewormer for about 5-6 dollars?
You could try the worming tablet but dosn't always work as some fish are infested with them and the damage to the insides of the fish has already been done.
You have nitrite in the water, per your earlier post. Discus are very sensitive to this.
This is likely to be a significant factor in the illness of your fish.
You have to get the nitrite down.
To me, it doesn't sound like there are many reasons to diagnose worms - what symptoms make you think this diagnosis is correct?
It is not eating, wasnt at the lfs either, no external marks,exept for a white dot on eye that hasnt gotten bigger or smaller, and the petstore and just about everybody else said it was.
White dots on the eye can be eye flukes, is the fish flicking and rubbing on things.
Also fish can loose weight with flukes.
The dot is a big dot and I have put in a med that treats flukes either( prazzi pro does). Also furan-2 does and that didnt rid the fish of it. Also there is only one dot.

I think your doing too many changes. Discus need to settle.
Have you got places for it to hide and get well.
Is the light on too often?

Water changes help but also if you water is bad it will not help to do too often

For bacteria to build up I would not change too often but add a tank conditioner called Stabilty.

When I cam here first I was doing to much and my fish died.
Advice I got was slowly do things.

It's still alive, don't feed too much don't panic too much. Food is very toxic due to if not eaten will start nitrate nitrite imbalance.

All the best.

I would say you could not watch it die in a pet shop but you maybe doing that at home.

I hope you complete your mercy mission.

Give it a few days fish last weeks in the wild without food. Do as little as possible. He/She will pull through
I called my lfs today and they said to do a 25% water change and to put carbon into my filter and remove everything from the tank except decorations and discus. He said to do another water change like that in 4 days and then he said to start the med again and I did a waterchange today because my nitrites were at 1.0

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