Nice pictures, and I love your cory.
Glad to hear that all the otos are doing well.
My oto's also are rarely together, they are usually scattered through out the tank, and its a devil of a job to do a head count, too many bits of timber and clumps of moss for them to hide in, under and around.
Did you end up getting any sushi nori sheets? One of my local pet shops feed his shrimp a type of nori sheet developed for marine tanks, so if you can't get the human type maybe your LFS can get the marine type. I have found that my typhus shrimp go nuts for the nori sheet and many of my other fish also get excited by it, but I can't say I have seen my oto's at it. But then my oto's seem happy eating the different algeas in my tank along with Tetramin vege flakes.