The pleco is all over the place, really happy tiny chap. The otto spend a day in one spot, I don't know why he likes the coconut caves so much. Then he moved to the gravel and was laying there, not sickly looking though, belly up or anything. I just saw him happily swimming around the platies and then he goes back to the gravel and then finally settled on the driftwood. He is not touching the zucchini which the pleco found in minutes and spent a few good hours on it.
I may have mentioned it earleir, can't remember and have no notion of reading my rubbish posts again
but the other two ottos were different shade of colour than this one from the start. I thought this one was the less healthy one, but the other two died first and since these are my first ottos I of course was probably wrong. This otto was more brownish in general from the start and the contrast between the black stripes and belly not so great, the stripes of the others were more visible and I think this was because they were paler and probably not so healthy. I noticed the night before they died they would get even paler bellies, though the stripes were still black so the fading was not over all the colouring.
Only talking to myself here but if this one lives, I'll be watching out in the shop for the same shade of colour when buying his buddies.
Does anyone have experience, picture or video of a healthy eating otto?