Getting a Bristlenose pleco from Maidenhead aquatics

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I currently use a 2l measuring jug however for a 200l tank that will take such a long time I might consider using a plant pot. I might also use plant pots as caves for the kribensis and garras. How many caves should I add? Also could I add one or 2 more garras or should I just have one or 2 garras with a pair of kribensis as the garras might leave them alone but the more of them the more they might be territorial.
I use those builder's buckets for emptying the water. I only have to lift them just high enough to clear the floor to carry the full bucket outside.

For refilling I use a 10 litre bucket, filled to the 8 litre mark. My dechlorinator dose rate is 1 drop per 4 litres so I have to make up multiples of 4 litres. I can lift that amount onto a stool then use a 1 litre jug to ladle the water from the bucket into the tank.
I can't use a hose to refill as we have a heat only boiler (not a combi) so I can't use hot tap water to get the temperature right. I have to boil water in a kettle to warm it, which is why I use buckets. At the moment it takes ages to boil enough water with the cold water being so cold 🥶
For water changes I've gotten a 50 foot vinyl hose that I use to drain the water from the tank directly into my bathtub (you could also drain to outside garden too, but I'm on a 2nd floor apartment, so you could imagine the chaos that'd be out my window). I put a fine strainer in the tub under the draining end of the hose for "accidental fish water slides" but haven't had that issue since I usually use old filter intakes on the part inside the tank that's smaller than my fish, with exception if the pangio loaches, I don't trust them buggers not to get into anything.

To refill, I use a drinking water safe garden hose, (I use a 25 foot one as my kitchen is located middle of my home to where all my tanks are), attached to my kitchen sink with an adapter. I dose dechlorinator for full tank volume after draining the tank before refilling. Utility clamps are great to clamp hoses to side of the tank to drain after vacuuming and while refilling.

Cheaper than a python system and less back breaking and time consuming as buckets are. I've got arthritis in most my body, I ain't sitting around draining 300 gallons plus of water a week.

To know how much hose you'd need, take some yarn, spread it from your bathtub and kitchen faucet to your tank with some slack on it, cut it and measure that cut portion of yarn.

I've got multiple tanks, but even for 1 larger tank this method would be better than buckets.
Thanks for the help guys I’ll probably go for essajays method. Also I’ve decided on my stocking
• a BN pleco
• 2 Bolivian rams
• 4-6 panda garras
•18 long finned danios( I’ll get some zebras to mix it up).
Could I do 2 BN and one ram? If I bred either Bristlenose plecos or rams would I be able to add them back to my main aquarium once they have grown up a bit( probably just one) and live with there parents? I think if I was going to breed I would prefer to do the Bristlenose pleco. Would this be a possibility and could I just get one now and then another BN in like 6 months or should I get 2 now?
Could I do 2 BN
Your tank is 75L? I don't remember.
But that size is fine for one pleco, and you'd have to keep mind any aggressive behaviours from the pair. Plus overload with babies, you'd probably have to set up a raising tank for when the babies crawl out about the tank. And bio load... plecos are absolute units at pooping~

With rams, most likely they'd pair up but it's possible for them not to pair and be aggressive towards each other. If they'd pair up, the first batch could be not successful. Some eggs might be bad each batch or not. When fry hatch, they're called wrigglers as they're not free swimming and wriggle about. They're likely to be eaten if parents aren't paying attention, and even more likely to be eaten by other fish in the tank when free swimming. Parents will be aggressive towards other fish in the tank.

But I'll let others weight in
My current tank is 75l but am getting a 200/240l tank, so this will all be for the 200/240l. I might not bother getting 2 of either so may just get one BN and one Bolivian ram do you think I could add anything else to my tank to go with the stocking I sent a few messages ago(with only 1 ram)?
I now have the 2 Bolivian rams and the BN but need some advice on what else to get. The stocking is in a 180l(1m long, 40cm wide and 45cm high). The panda garras have died and haven’t gotten any more danios. I would like some help on species I could add to the tank I like the look of sawbwa( not sure if tetras or rasboras), a hillstream loach, maybe fork tail rainbow fish, but not sure what would work with the other tank mates any advice would be helpful.
How did the garras die?

You haven't taken advice when many people have told you not to do bottom dwelling fish with dwarf cichlids multiple times, and asking again about more bottom dwellers (hillstream loaches, which are also schooling fish). I don't feel comfortable advising for stock choices anymore because any input and advice is falling on deaf ears. You're pushing your luck adding other things. Hopefully you've got chill rams, but sometimes they can be jerks just because they feel like it. I'm hoping you've gotten the larger tank and they're not still in the tank you had when originally asking, because there's not enough space for the bottom dwelling fish here.
One from being sucked into the new filter and one from lack of oxygen I think or high nitrites in the new tank. The nitrite was low almost nothing then the next day it jumped to 1, the filter I have is rubbish so having to sort that out and adjust how it runs. Sorry if you guys don’t think I’m listening to your advice I am. I didn’t know anything about hillstream loaches but just thought they looked cool fish(I just find bottom dwellers the coolest looking fish) i thought people said that a BN would be fine with a dwarf cichlid(before I got the fish) sorry if I misunderstood the comments I’m only here to try and do the best for the fish and enjoy the hobby. I was always going to rehome at least one the garras it’s just unfortunately they died before that happened. I will take on board any stocking advice, and from now on won’t impulse buy any fish that you don’t think will work with the other fish.
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Your tank is 75L? I don't remember.
But that size is fine for one pleco, and you'd have to keep mind any aggressive behaviours from the pair. Plus overload with babies, you'd probably have to set up a raising tank for when the babies crawl out about the tank. And bio load... plecos are absolute units at pooping~

With rams, most likely they'd pair up but it's possible for them not to pair and be aggressive towards each other. If they'd pair up, the first batch could be not successful. Some eggs might be bad each batch or not. When fry hatch, they're called wrigglers as they're not free swimming and wriggle about. They're likely to be eaten if parents aren't paying attention, and even more likely to be eaten by other fish in the tank when free swimming. Parents will be aggressive towards other fish in the tank.

But I'll let others weight in
I’m already beginning to be concerned that I either have 2 males or they just don’t get on. As there is one who is more dominant than the other. I was only planning on getting one but the man at the fish store said that they would be better as 2(only had a price for 2) and 2 of them would be less aggressive than one Kribensis.

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