Getting a Bristlenose pleco from Maidenhead aquatics

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Yeah the garras seem to be a real dilemma when looking for new fish. When I was in the shop I went in planning on getting 8 leopard danios and got told I needed to get something to clean up the tank, so they told me I should get the garras( big mistake). I asked if I could get 2 and as a new fish keeper I thought it would be nice to keep each other company. The garras are territorial however I think a krib would just have there section of the tank and the garras another. What tank mates would you suggest? However I want a new colourful fish, a Bristlenose pleco and will definitely add my danios. Could I give back my garras? Would that be a better option?
You could rehome the garra if you'd prefer other fish, that would work out if you aren't attached to them. No shame in that.

If you rehomed them, you'd have a loooot more options for centerpiece and could happily do a pair of kribs and bristlenose. But I definitely do not recommend combining garra with kribs.
I’ll consider it. Would I need to get another algae eater to go with a Bristlenose? If I did re home them.
And would Maidenhead aquatics give me store credit if I gave them back and would they sell them on as I would feel bad if I did give them back and they were stuck in the shop for the rest of there lives?
You do not NEED an algae eater. These fish should only be bought if you like the fish for itself.

All tanks will grow some algae, it's a sign of a healthy tank. It's when it takes over that algae becomes a problem. But it is more sensible to find out why there is so much algae and treat the cause rather than buy a fish or add a chemical to deal with it.

Some Maidenhead Aq will take fish back - my nearest branch has taken some of my fish (a 'female' pearl gourami which turned out to be male and was fighting with another male; some fish which I was given but did not want for my tank). Just ask, the worst they can do is say no.
And if they do say no, then you can look into local sales, such as local fish groups on Facebook or if you have any ad sites.
You do not NEED an algae eater. These fish should only be bought if you like the fish for itself.

All tanks will grow some algae, it's a sign of a healthy tank. It's when it takes over that algae becomes a problem. But it is more sensible to find out why there is so much algae and treat the cause rather than buy a fish or add a chemical to deal with it.

Some Maidenhead Aq will take fish back - my nearest branch has taken some of my fish (a 'female' pearl gourami which turned out to be male and was fighting with another male; some fish which I was given but did not want for my tank). Just ask, the worst they can do is say no.
Do you think they’d give me any store credit.
They don't usually give store credit, or at least my nearest didn't. But I didn't mind as they solved a problem for me by taking these fish.

If they don't take the garras you could try
got told I needed to get something to clean up the tank
Yes you do: a sponge or a scrubber and a gravel vac.
It's you that clean the tank, not fish. Plecos will eat algae, but not as a primary source of food and diet. They obviously need more than that (plus driftwood for digestion, if this bit is even still true anymore).

I'd suggest not listening to stores, especially as a beginner. They will do anything just to sell you anything, they know beginners barely know anything so it's easy to squeeze an easy buck/penny out of them.

You did a very good thing coming on here, we want only the best experience for you :)
I will buy some stuff to clean the tank. I’m planning on feeding the plecos that pleco food they sell in the shops and then cucumber courgette and maybe some other vegetables along with the food. As for the garras I will do some more research on whether I want to keep them or give them away. Thanks for the help as it helps my to not make another mistake again.
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Hey we all make mistakes, as beginners and even veterans can make mistakes too. But learning from them is very valuable towards future success with the hobby.

Ancistrus (bristlenose plecos) are among the easiest group to feed, most aren't fussy and appreciate a higher veggie based diet with some meat supplements. They'll appreciate some wood to chew as well. They're one of the best plecos for anyone interested in getting into plecos because they're not difficult to keep and are more likely to take prepared foods and come out more. Many other plecos you spend $$$ on a fish to never see because it hides all day.

Most of the more meat eating plecos get larger than ancistrus, but they're cool fish too. If you look at their mouths, their mouth shapes all vary. Some have fine teeth and wide mouths for grazing soft algaes and biofilm like ancistrus do, and some have stout mouths with spoon shaped teeth like panaqolus and panaque for eating wood, and some have sharp shaped folding mouths with hooked teeth such as leporacanthicus for grasping shells of shellfish and carcasses in fast moving water.
I have seen a few videos and a couple of things on Reddit and might rehome one of my panda garras or keep them both if they don’t argue and get some kribensis as from the videos and on Reddit there are people saying there not territorial and that they keep a panda garra with 2 kribensis. I’m unsure whether I will rehome one or none. Also, my family aren’t a big fan of me giving live food will the make a difference on what fish I can get? Will I still be able to get a kribensis and keep the garras food wise. Also can I have some help cleaning wise I’m planning on doing a large water change every 2 weeks how much should that be if I just get a pair of kribensis and a Bristlenose to go with my current fish. Will my tank look quite empty tho or is that stocking okay, may leave it a bit of time before I add something like guppies. What cleaning stuff should I buy? Should I just use a normal sponge and do I need to buy any special stuff for it. My tank has gravel in it but don’t have anymore than the current amount I have. Do I need to get more and are gravel vacs expensive? Also can I pls have a link to what I should buy to transfer the water? Thanks for the help I just want to get it all done ok so I don’t give the fish a miserable life. If you think I should add more garras I can do that just they are more expensive fish than the others( and not my favourite but now I have committed to them I don’t really want to give them back).
Cleaning - a plain sponge without any soap or anything else in it. Use it to wipe the glass.

Gravel vac - Colin_T makes then out of 2 litre lemonade bottles and hose pipe, or you can buy them. Here are a few examples

The type with a bulb in the tubing are started by squeezing the bulb several times; the others usually have a one way valve where the wide nozzle joins the tubing and the siphon is started by moving the nozzle up and down quickly under water - it's worth practicing with a bucket of water till you get the hang of it.
With both types the nozzle is pushed right down into the gravel until no more debris comes out, then the nozzle is moved a long a bit and the next bit of gravel cleaned. If the gravel hasn't been cleaned before there'll be a fair amount of debris and the tank will be almost empty before you've finished. Do a section each time to get the gravel clean then there'll be plenty time to do all the gravel once it's had it's first deep clean.

The ready made siphon tubes are too short to hang out of the window so you'll need a bucket to catch the tank water. I use black builder's buckets from B & Q.

Keep an eye on where the fish are. If you hold the nozzle with one hand and the tubing in the other, it's quick to just pinch the tubing shut if any fish get too close.
I use black builder's buckets from B & Q.
I use an ikea 10L plant pot and a measuring jug for kitchen baking stuff.. My poor twisted spine feels like it took a beating, making me feel like I'm at least 100 🫣

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