Dijon Has Spawned

I have a few more pics to add. Hopefully there not as big as the others pics so they wont cover the screen.

Taken at the age of 12 days.


At the age of 15 days.



Microworm are going down a treat with them, aswell with my cory fry :)

Can't wait till they start to show some colour. Even at this early age they are squaring up to each other, just doing the "whos going to blink first" then the smaller one shoots off. :lol:
How many fry?? I find with microworm feeding i get belly sliders, also I have done research its better to use more bbs and vinager eals for feeding and try to stay away from the microworms as if you don't clean all the woms our or they don't get eatin they eat away at the..... fin forget what find #41####... I will see if I can find the article on it. The fin is seen on the male but not really noticalble on the female just can't remember the name of the fin.....

Vinager eals also float on the surface and microworms sink, but I would be doing heavy feeding with eaither eals if you have or be doing more bbs if its possible for ya. Pretty soon you will be feeding them bloodworms and brineshrimp weather it be froozen or dried doing very well.

Gratz on the spawn hope it turns out well for ya, very nice male there gonna be some very nice combtails out of that batch it is a vail female right?
How many fry?? I find with microworm feeding i get belly sliders, also I have done research its better to use more bbs and vinager eals for feeding and try to stay away from the microworms as if you don't clean all the woms our or they don't get eatin they eat away at the..... fin forget what find #41####... I will see if I can find the article on it. The fin is seen on the male but not really noticalble on the female just can't remember the name of the fin.....

Vinager eals also float on the surface and microworms sink, but I would be doing heavy feeding with eaither eals if you have or be doing more bbs if its possible for ya. Pretty soon you will be feeding them bloodworms and brineshrimp weather it be froozen or dried doing very well.

Gratz on the spawn hope it turns out well for ya, very nice male there gonna be some very nice combtails out of that batch it is a vail female right?

Hi theshadowinc,

You will have to Explain your term "belly sliders" too me :S never come across that one.

Hopefully the female is VT, but I can't be 100%, she could be a poor quality ct/vt.

Yeah was going to to alot of stuff today, ie big bottom clean and water changes. Until I found out some B had jumped on my car bonnet and put my windscreen through, been through alot of hassle today what with the mix up with CSI not getting messages passed on by the front desk. :angry:

Anyway thats another story........

Got 2 half good pics last night what do think?


Oh wow they are so cute. Dijon is beautiful so i bet the fry will be amazing.

Thankyou, and yes i'm hoping the fry will be amazing to.

good job :good:

what age do they get colours?

and do you know how many you have?

Thankyou, I think I have asked that question myself about the colour, but no one has replied. I've looked at one site that
that says 2 months.

How many? The most i've counted is 17, well I should say 16.5 cause one of them is almost, if not more half the size of the rest
of them.
good job

what age do they get colours?

and do you know how many you have?
Thankyou, I think I have asked that question myself about the colour, but no one has replied. I've looked at one site that
that says 2 months.

How many? The most i've counted is 17, well I should say 16.5 cause one of them is almost, if not more half the size of the rest
of them.

Anywhere from 4-8 weeks I have seen fry at week 4 starting to get colour, and you will notice the colour is more vibrant looking when they are babies as in it will actually hurt the eyes lol

Belly Slider ~ what I mean by this is, you end up with alot near the bottom its hard to tell in your situation because its not a empty bottom, usually belly sliders refer to ones that stay at the bottom of the tank, they swim on there stomachs

What is your schedule like are you able to step the feeding up to about 4 times a day with your busy schedule?? Watch the bellys when they are not pink anymore feed them again, reason I say 4 is it will speed the growth up and what is your heat at I might recommend up in the 80s for this to help them start to produce there colour, and lots of water changes they love water changes try daily anywhere from 20-50 percent of the water. This also makes them grow quick.

Sounds so much easier the way you are doing it lol, when I prep mine for breeding they go in a 1gal jar and get feed 6 times a day to stimulate the eggs to come out quick. Then I slowly raise temp of water once I see the bubbles starting in the jar I know the male is ready and in he goes

P.S the white dragon pair I got the male is starting to get the colour on the fins hehe a really light blue almost the marble blue colour

The dragon pair I have the reds, the female is orange body and red fins and the male is red with silver scales :) and in the fins you can see inbetween the silver lines looks amazing now they are starting to grow out more. Every day they look better and better.
I have just consulted 3 book on bettas and found references to being able to sex betta fry and see their final colors at between 2 and 3 months of age. Of course these were for fish under quite good rearing conditions. Conditions that do not support rapid growth and development are likely to result in all aspects of the development taking longer. The last time I bothered trying to breed bettas was so long ago I just didn't remember that level of detail.
good job

what age do they get colours?

and do you know how many you have?
Thankyou, I think I have asked that question myself about the colour, but no one has replied. I've looked at one site that
that says 2 months.

How many? The most i've counted is 17, well I should say 16.5 cause one of them is almost, if not more half the size of the rest
of them.

Anywhere from 4-8 weeks I have seen fry at week 4 starting to get colour, and you will notice the colour is more vibrant looking when they are babies as in it will actually hurt the eyes lol

Belly Slider ~ what I mean by this is, you end up with alot near the bottom its hard to tell in your situation because its not a empty bottom, usually belly sliders refer to ones that stay at the bottom of the tank, they swim on there stomachs

What is your schedule like are you able to step the feeding up to about 4 times a day with your busy schedule?? Watch the bellys when they are not pink anymore feed them again, reason I say 4 is it will speed the growth up and what is your heat at I might recommend up in the 80s for this to help them start to produce there colour, and lots of water changes they love water changes try daily anywhere from 20-50 percent of the water. This also makes them grow quick.

Sounds so much easier the way you are doing it lol, when I prep mine for breeding they go in a 1gal jar and get feed 6 times a day to stimulate the eggs to come out quick. Then I slowly raise temp of water once I see the bubbles starting in the jar I know the male is ready and in he goes

P.S the white dragon pair I got the male is starting to get the colour on the fins hehe a really light blue almost the marble blue colour

The dragon pair I have the reds, the female is orange body and red fins and the male is red with silver scales :) and in the fins you can see inbetween the silver lines looks amazing now they are starting to grow out more. Every day they look better and better.

The're Semi-Belly sliders then :lol:

Feeding: Is a problem working 4 days on 4 off. When working 4 on, I can get 2 feeds in. 4 off I can fit as many in as I like.

Temp: Is still at around 80-82f since the spawning.

Water changes: I've only topped the water up twice in doses to top the tank up. Then a weekly water change of about 60% for 2 weeks.
Thanks for that bit, i'll try and do it more often.

Get some pics of yours up. :D

I have just consulted 3 book on bettas and found references to being able to sex betta fry and see their final colors at between 2 and 3 months of age. Of course these were for fish under quite good rearing conditions. Conditions that do not support rapid growth and development are likely to result in all aspects of the development taking longer. The last time I bothered trying to breed bettas was so long ago I just didn't remember that level of detail.

Thanks for the info OldMan47, mine will more than likely be the later date then. Just wish I had a job that could be involved in my hobby but i'm thankfull just to be back in work after being unemployed for 8 months.
Does anybody know where to get vinegar eel culture from?

For one I boobed with the microworms and I think i've left it too late to start another batch. There are some in the new batch but very few so it'll probly take some time for them to propley get going. I have ordered some more, but I would like to try vinegar eels too.

Also forgot to post this pic yesterday, best one to date.


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