Dijon Has Spawned

Well the fry are 5 days old now, and they are getting slightly easier to see. I've counted up to 15, but with all the plants in the
tank there are probly more.

Just to give you an idea on the size.

That is very small. :blink: What are you planning on feeding them?
Congrats they are So Cute. Dijon is a very handsome boy.
Congrats they are So Cute. Dijon is a very handsome boy.

Congrats they are So Cute. Dijon is a very handsome boy.


very cute! and i have said before, Dijon is stunning, will make gorgeous babies, cant wait to see what comes of the breed!

I've got my fingers crossed that a few make it through, it's my first time with Betta's.

Yes Dijon is stunning, and very handsome. Plus he's showed he's a good parent, up untill I put my foot in it. lets not forget
the female who actualy helped after eating the first few eggs.
Congratulations, looks like the fry are doing really well. Love your pics.
Microworm culture came yesterday morning, 2 batches made up. Got home today OMG how quick do they multiply :blink:

Fed some today aswell, there lovin' them :good:

Hopefully now they will grow a bit faster :nod:
Congrats on the spawn!! Boy do I miss the thrill of breeding! That male is an absolute stunner!!! I can't wait to see how the babies turn out!

Off topic, what kind of camera do you have??? It takes great pictures!! I have a $700 Nikon D60 and it takes horrible pictures of fish, I was sooo mad, lol :S
Zenandra Hi,

I've got a fuji S7000, as I've posted before it a few years old now, but one good thing about the camera is it will do micro shots down to 1cm.
Just in case anyone want a look here's a couple of quick pics, 10 days old. I know they should probly be bigg looking than they are, but due to working 4 on, 4 off, they are only getting a couple of feeds when im working 11.5 hour shifts.


Oh wow! they are beautiful :good: such great pics of them too, I only ever feed my fry twice a day I know the rule is to feed them more but I think they find food in the tank too, vinegar eel survive for some time in the water column and they always have nice full tums still when I return from work :nod: depending on how many fry you have and the size of the tank this could also be a contributing factor to their size but I wouldn't worry too much they will grow with time, I had some from a previous spawn that once given their own separate tanks and regular water changes grew quite rapidly to full size and they were already a year old!!!
Hi betta fish,

Thanks for the input. I'm going to put it down to the size of the tank (25ltr) plus no microworms for the first 7/8 days.

I know they are growing cause there getting easier to find, plus i'll notice the difference in growth when i'm off work. only because my coryies grow like mad when im off work and feeding them well.

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