Dijon Has Spawned

Congratulations on their spawn, your male is stunning. Good luck over the next few days
MMMMMMMMM the only pic's i got got are these of Dijon 1 without flash 1 with,



the female I have blured pics i'll upload tomorrow cause i need food and sleep..........

finaly I have a name for her and its "Tears" I think u'll see when I put pics up :good:
wow amazing shot!

what sort of camera do you have to cope with that?

Thanks Haych, pics arnt that good, i've seen better from other people on here with better cameras. Mine is a Fuji S7000, and it's a few years old now.

Now for a quick update and a question to all that have bred bettas.

Got up this morning for work at 4:50am and, yes the're hatching 36hrs more or less on the dot. There where alot of them but got home at
5:50pm and there where not so many in the nest. Dadddy's a true hero bring back the fry to the nest but, he has definatly missed more than he's got back in the nest.

Due to work comitment and not being around i've decided to drop the water to 3 inches and remove the dad. This is on no part due to the parenting of the dad I think he's done an excellent job for his first spawn.

Question is.... and i've not read this on any forum before cause no one has every explained it.

If you drop the water, when do you start to increase the water level. Is it when they are truely swimming horizontal?

I'm all ears please reply :)
Great stuff, well done on your first spawn :good: although I would not have removed the dad so soon, only when they are swimming horizontal should you remove him as they still depend on him until this stage to take them back up to the bubbles and keep the bubble nest going. I have only kept my water at 6 inches for breeding and have never dropped it, though since you have removed the dad keep the water at 3 inches for about a week I'd say and then increase it an inch or 2 by adding fresh on top, they cannot take a large water change until they are about 2 weeks old and then the temperature has to be matched exactly so do not remove any water until then just add :good: good luck!
Great stuff, well done on your first spawn :good: although I would not have removed the dad so soon, only when they are swimming horizontal should you remove him as they still depend on him until this stage to take them back up to the bubbles and keep the bubble nest going. I have only kept my water at 6 inches for breeding and have never dropped it, though since you have removed the dad keep the water at 3 inches for about a week I'd say and then increase it an inch or 2 by adding fresh on top, they cannot take a large water change until they are about 2 weeks old and then the temperature has to be matched exactly so do not remove any water until then just add :good: good luck!

Thank for the info, betta fish.

The only reason why i've done it is because i'm not here just incase he starts eating them. If I where here to watch I wouldn't have removed him but also there where dead fry in the tank that he couldn't get to. so being a worrier I removed him.

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