Fish Addict
I am a type on diabetic. I have been since I was 10 same with my brother. I have my good days and bad days numbers wise. I am on the novalog pump,and on sythrod medication for my thirod. I can deside if it hurts more physically, or mentally.
Yes there is a different sugar level number, actually its seperate just as the u.s weight and distance mesurements is different then the rest of the world, though i do believe canada has the same blood sugar system as the u.s but this is because people come from canada to the u.s sometimes to get better heathcare, even though the u.s's heathcare system could use another jumpstart from the gov't, might I say a public option, but thats a whole nother can of we use a different unit for sugar levels in the U.S.? i have spoken to people with diabetes and they say regular sugar levels should be 80-120