Dawn On The Reef

That rock wall is very cool (files that away in the ideas to steal pile). Info on the RO unit was very handy too. think I will do the same thing and get a Y connector and use the washing machine cold water line. The connector is in a cupboard so it is the perfect spot to hide it away.
Quck question on Rowaphos, phosphate removal.
85ltr aquarium and Eheim 2217 external canister vol. 6ltr
I am planning to place Rowaphos in my canister filter for phosphate removal, is anyone doing the same and if so, (allowing for 20kgs Liverock displacement) how much would you recommend placing in the filter chamber (in a micron bag) Can I overkill as it were. Also in relation to the question, how often does it need replacing. There is only one test kit on the market that I know of that will reliably test for phosphate at very low levels and I'm not really sure if I wish to spend more money on this if I don't really need to.
Looking forward to your replies.

Well worth the effort BigC. It looks great, even better when it's all set up
I refuse to be rushed :p
TBH, the "low resolution" test kit won't be necessary. Phosphates are either high enough for a cheap test kit to detect, not present in the system, or being consumed by algae so fast that even the expensive tests can't detect it.

As for rowaphos, unfortunately each system is different. I'd use maybe a 1/2 cup to start with to see how things go... You'll have to test as you go to get a feel for how well it's working. I replace mine once every 3 months and only use a couple Tbsps of it, but then again I have a refugium with macro algae that does most of the work for me
I am unsure of Rowaphos but all of the other phosphate removers (PhosGuard, PhosBan) it is impossible to add to much. Just make sure that your medium will not leech once it is full.
Just make sure that your medium will not leech once it is full.
Mfg literature states that it wont leek any thing back into the water column.
Thanks for the replies guys
i think its only medias that are like rust coloured that can leach back into the tank after they become saturated. Also i htink that it lasts for around 2 months a bag but dont quote me on that.
i think its only medias that are like rust coloured that can leach back into the tank after they become saturated. Also i htink that it lasts for around 2 months a bag but dont quote me on that.

Rust color? PhosBan is rust color and it states that it doesn't leech. I've used it before and it works great. I guess it might be an 'over the seas' thing?
The rust-colored ones are Granular Ferric Oxide (GFO). Ferric, hence the rust... As the manufacturer states, they are chemically incapable of releasing abosorbed phosphates back into the water column. There is an actual irreversable chemical reaction taking place here that eliminates the phosphates from the water column. Therefore yes, you can add as much as you want.

The white colored phosphate removers are a ceramic based media that can and will leech phosphates back into the watercolumn when they become supersaturated.
I managed to get the rockwall finished at long last, took absolute ages. I think I've achieved my goal and managed to hide all the equipment in a roundabout way, so I can spend time looking at the inhabitants rather than coraline covered powerheads etc.
I have omitted a few things from when I first started the project and added a few new ideas as I've gone along. Hope you like the effect.



I must get on with collecting some RO water at the weekend and test the direction of the flows etc.
WOW, stunning BigC! Gonna look fantastic with livestock and good lights over it
Looks good :) verry impressive.
But a little voice in my head says you may well live to regret it..lol dont know why.. just does :) But Ignore me I dont what I'm talking about half the time :)

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