Dawn On The Reef

hope this works... although I have a horrible feeling you'll just have built a detritus trap and cut down on your swimming space :dunno:

good luck though, nice to see someone try something different! :thumbs:
WOW, stunning BigC! Gonna look fantastic with livestock and good lights over it
Looks good verry impressive.
Thanks to you both.

although I have a horrible feeling you'll just have built a detritus trap
Point taken, I plan to flush the whole thing down using an external pump and give it a "Hurricane Effect" (as per John Tullock's books) to combat this. I reckon if I did it on a fortnightly - three week basis followed by a waterchange then this should combat this. Time will tell.
nice to see someone try something different!
Thanks...My primary goal was to hide the unsightly equipment. I will be stocking with a cleanup crew, usual suspects, with 2 peppermint shrimps. Various soft corals and if I feel that there is room then, and only then will I aquire a pair of Amphiprion ocellaris.
Thanks for taking time to reply.

P.S. littleme, did you ever get in contact with Yorkshire Brineshrimp Supplies. from your last posting about BS
Got a quick question. If you stick the intake for the powerheads just poking out of the background, then it wouldn't create a UGF-like suction through the eggcrate correct? Maybe you could pluck off one of the stones and run the end of the powerhead out of that spot so there isn't suction to the back of the equipment area.
From what I can see the intake is behind the scape and the outlet pokes out of the scape, so there would be constant movement also its the same with the filter,inlet behind outlet poking through so good circualtion, or maybe C will correct me on that ;)
From what I can see the intake is behind the scape and the outlet pokes out of the scape, so there would be constant movement also its the same with the filter,inlet behind outlet poking through so good circualtion, or maybe C will correct me on that

Thats exactly it lm. The powerhead outlets are focused inside the tank you cant see them because they are covered in the same rock as the background but I can assure you they are there. The main external canister filter intake is behind the diaorama (right) the return is also on the right at the top to gush across or slightly under the water surface. Although it seems like the rockwork is pretty tight and no room between the stones, in actual fact it's pretty open and there are small gaps. I really wanted to use the Hydor Flo's but felt, in the end, that they detracted from the look I was trying to achieve.
Stand by I'm filling her full of water on Sunday!.....Man the Pumps.
Hey BigC nice to have ya back, :good: i was following your thread with alot of interest untill you went AWOL on us! :hey:

Wana see how your rockwall gets on.

Make sure you post some pics once the tank is up and running! :)
A.W.O.L. Aquarist Wanting Overdraft or Loan :rolleyes:
Yeah it has been a while, hasen't it.
Needed to get the garage cleared of rubbish (so difficult to get the missus to part with her junk) so as I can get the RO unit up and running, all being well this weekend or early next week I'll get the tank filled and up and running.
All monetary contributions will be greatly accepted.
OMG i've just sat & read all 5 pages thinking i was going to see pics of this stunning tank on the last page..............& no pics :S
bigc hows it going does it have water in now ??? update pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
I saw this post a while back and am seeing it again and also thought I was going to see the tank on the last page. Anyway it looks really good more thank i could do on account of i know nothing about marine tanks.
So sorry guys, just had a minor hiccup. My son has just gone and got himself into a little road traffic accident and I have been busy trying to sort it all out. Should be back on track by the weekend though and the pics will come. It is nowhere near finished as yet and wont be for quite some time. The RO unit installation and the introduction of the water will be first to be catalogued along with the flow direction movies. Then I will introduce the Liverock. I was thinking of just using one large piece in the centreground with either a large torch coral or an equally large finger leather. As I have never done marines (as it were) before I am leaning toward the large finger leather. A pair of chocolate coloured clownfish are the goal before Xmas. Then the sides of the rockwork will be adorned with the usual suspects such as mushrooms, xenia, ricordias and Zoo's. Then well take it from there. I will catalogue all the sucesses and the failures and modifications as I go along.
Again sorry for the misleading post, due to circumstances beyond my control I had to deal with family matters first.

Just as a little footnote...There is nobody more frustrated than me to get this thing off the ground as it were and if I'd known it was going to take this long I probably wouldn't have started it in the first place. But started it I have and I intend to see it through to it's fruition so be patient otherwise send me a few dollars to speed up the process. :rolleyes:
Yikes, hope your son's ok
Yeah he's fine, just a bit shook up and annoyed with himself. Pretty minor accident really (no real speed involved, no alcohol and no injured parties) just insurance work to sort.
Thanks for the concern Ski.
oh bigc sorry to hear about your son, glad it was nothing serious thou & yeah family do come first :D
hopefully things will get sorted & you can get some pics up again :hey:

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