Dawn On The Reef

Oh BigC you have just got to go for it, It would be an incredible acheivement. :drool:

With what you have learned from doing your nano, and your DIY skills this would be a fantastic project.
Have you got a particular region in mind?

Please go for it :yahoo:
Please go for it
Got the glass for the tank today, needs polishing and drilling. Not sure on which style of exits and returns to adopt just yet.
The Brass Portholes come in at around £100 each, I could just opt for brass circles but I think the heavy duty ones with escutcheons look way better. These are the real deal and are for actual fitting on boats.
Not sure on reigon just yet Trod, that still needs a lot of research. Tank, Heavy Duty Stand (iron) Sump, Wall holes and Porthole fitting would be the first priorities.
Watch this space
Hole in the wall tank would be cheaper
Could be an option Ben but for the present I like the Porthole Maritime theme for viewing, but as I say things could change.
I have all the glass cut and polished for the new upgrade. I will be going with 2x40mm drains and 1x25mm return all within a weir.
For the meantime I have just taken delivery of the Tunze equipment for the Nano and will be installing all tomorrow (pics will follow of course)


Man, I have a 4'x2'x2' sitting on my dining room table...since last fall actually. I'm afraid to go big for my first tank.

I'd do it. The porthole idea is cool, but I think it'd be better to have a hole in the wall. You could see more of your tank and inhabitants :good:
Will you be up-grading all your equipment for this new one? what about a sump?
A pairs theme may be quite cool
OK, I cant really go with the hole in the wall idea as electricity in the wall will rule that line of thought out.
2 fairly large portholes may be a better option, either side of switches.
As for upgrading the equipment Ben, the answer is yes, mostly new Tunze pumps and larger versions of equipment I already have. But this will take time as things are so costly the bigger you go. Maybe atlast I can have a pair of Luminarcs. :lol:
New sump as well will have to be built and sectioned.
Well its started!

But I must admit dont expect this build to move at a great pace, I will keep you posted as and when there are new developments. Lots of things to consider surrounding the wall before any advancement. I am currently in contact with a firm called Coremaster who specialise in drilling larger that average holes in walls. Also need to consider building regulations and structure reports.
But for now I'm preping
Yip!! there he goes again!! lol

Itll be nice to see that bit of kit in action BigC
good viewing for a noob!
i wish i had your motivation !(or your medication whatever works best ;) )

from the man you said never
I did, didn't I. Ah well it keeps me occupied and you lot interested :lol:

Well I just installed the Tunze 6055, pulled out some of the brown polyps and sited the NanostreamRock. Coupled the whole thing up to a single controller and regulated it to give some sembalance of wave motion.
YES I know it looks like a divers helmet at the moment, but given time it will colour up (Purple) and with corals attached it should look fine. Maybe some metallic GSP.
Although the pics dont show flowrates I can tell you that tank is fairly moving. All the fish and corals seem to be more vibrant under the new conditions
Here are some shots of the installation, the pics dont do the tank justice at the mo, but just thought I'd catalogue the event all the same Not entirely happy with the overall look of the tank at present :( but give it a month or two and we'll see how things progress :lol:



Your cats awesome...one day mine will be that big :D
Its a shame they dont make those rocks out of the fake LR TMC make. would stand out a lot less. I quite like the bit of extra hight that gives.
The new Upgrade has just been given the green light by the Missus (not 5mins ago)


This is BigC needing a stiff drink :lol:

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