Dave`s Pre Journal Journal

The camera was on a tripod and I used a remote shutter release. This meant I could take the pictures without a flash.

It`s just the light coming in through the window that is a pain, but I couldn`t do much about it.


Was it in one of your journals/threads you said you like the Plagomnium Affine from Aquatic Magic?

Guess what I discovered earlier in my researching stage again.....

.....It is growing in your garden quite literally


It is very common in the UK and is call 'Many Fruited Thyme Moss' Apparently it is not a true aquatic and likes river banks but it looks nice so it will be worth a try especially as you can find a shed load for free down the road (or trail) and then make a mint out of it on ebay. lol

I must admit Andy, I have my doubts about this plant. Still, I am new to this hobby and I thought I`d give it a go. It`s doing OK at the moment, but I have some HC waiting in the wings just in case.
Well, this tank has had water in it for just under three weeks now and the Ammonia levels have just come back in to scale on my Nutrafin test kit. The water also picked up a yellowy brown tinge for a short period plus a slightly unusual, plasticy smell. The wonders of ADA AS Amazonia.

The HC is growing OK, but I think it is a bit too shaded by the temporary weeds, so it is a little leggy. I am desperate to get the weeds out and have the HC carpetting a bit better, but I know I am going to have to be more patient.

The front and sides of the tank get some dusty green algae on them, and there are brown diatoms inside the Cal Aqua inlet and outlet. The CO2 dropper is in the yellow and the Rotala rotundifolia in there is pearling like mad. The HC pearls, but less so than the Rotala. There has been a little die off of the HC, but only in one clump and that has now bounced back.

Things are looking OKish, but I just need to be more patient and bide my time before I take out the stems.

I don`t know if I mentioned it before, but when I eventually get the fish they will be Boraras Maculata.

The old patience game hey Dave? I hate that game! Sounds like it coming along though, so I'm sure it'll be worth it in the end :)

Excellent fish choice BTW, I love that little fish, its one of my favourites and perfect for a nano tank. You might even get it to breed.

Excellent fish choice BTW, I love that little fish, its one of my favourites and perfect for a nano tank. You might even get it to breed.

I think I first saw them in one of your tanks Sam, and stumbled across a shop that always has them in (except for about a month from now when I`ll want some). Are these fish jumpers, because the tank will be open topped?

I think they jumped due to the whole spray deodorant incident. I've not tried any since but I'm pretty sure that was the reason, as my shrimp and even an otto jumped out of the tank, so dont think it was due to the species particularly, just my dumb ass spray deodorant.

How many people do we know with open top tanks? If it was that much of a problem it wouldn't be as common.

I think they jumped due to the whole spray deodorant incident. I've not tried any since but I'm pretty sure that was the reason, as my shrimp and even an otto jumped out of the tank, so dont think it was due to the species particularly, just my dumb ass spray deodorant.

How many people do we know with open top tanks? If it was that much of a problem it wouldn't be as common.


That's too bad Sam, you could have asked me. My 8g's an open top and I don't use any aresols in my room. You can't with open tops as the gas exchange is greater and the potential for pollutants getting in is greater. I don't even use regular chemicals and if I do, I spray it onto a paper towel in another room then wipe what I need to wipe.

I kept Boraras briggittae and have never experienced jumping, and I'm assuming b. maculatus is similar. However, rasboras are strong, fast swimmers which generally equates to a good jumping ability, so, I'd keep watch.
My 8g's an open top and I don't use any aresols in my room.

You might want to rephrase this slightly, old girl! :lol:

Well, I have gone cold Turkey for long enough but I have finally cracked and started EI dosing. My temporary stem plants are pearling like mad, but some of the Rotala rotundifolia stems are going a bit dark and growth rates don`t appear to be brilliant.

I`ll give the lean water column method a go when I can get the stems out of there.

I keep getting an oily film at the surface, but I am not sure if it is the Aqua Soil doing this. I skim it off daily, but it comes back pretty quickly. What it is doing, is trap all the O2 bubbles from pearling, at the surface, making it look a little frothy. My 24l, which has a small amount of Aqua Soil in and it gets this oily surface as well, but to a lesser degree.

ADA Aqua Soil certainly does strange things to the water when it is first used.

Here is a rushed and pretty crappy picture I have just taken with all the weeds out. I have just planted the Eleocharis parvula and given it a haircut.


The HC hasn`t come along like I hoped. I suspect it is because it has had the light blocked out by the bunches of weeds, making it a bit leggy, but I believe the main reason is that I have tried to run a lean water column with a lot of fast growing weeds in there. I might have got away with it had it only been the HC and Eleocharis. Anyway, this tank is now EI until the weeds go.

Some areas of the HC is brown, but I suspect this may be diatoms, as there is some on the rocks. There was a little die off because I had to plant in a rush, meaning I didn`t separate it out as much as I should. Still, the die off has been pretty minimal to be honest.,

The picture comes complete with all the tank hardware, so I think I have done a decent job of making its visual impact minimal (note the CO2 dropper is showing yellow). I could even get rid of the thermometer if I felt like it. There will be a new background fitted as well, at some point soon.

Damn, I have just noticed some Eleocharis floating by the filter outlet! :shout:

Feel free to give your comments and ideas, please.

Cheers, Dave.
Looks good Dave.
Im sure the HC will recover. It does tend to take a turn for the worst when not given enough light.
It looks good dave. I like the colour the rocks have taken on they look more weathered/natural.

As Fred said with any degree of shading the HC will start to look a bit leggy but as soon as good light gets to it, it will grow down and horizontally and fill in nicely.

I'd loose the themometer get one to stick on the outside of the glass.

Would you recommend Aquasoil, in planning on using some but with the NH4 spikes, cloudiness etc i'm thinking of using Eco-complete instead.

Looks set to be a good Iwagumi when it matures.

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