Dave`s Pre Journal Journal

Thanks for the comments.

Dev, I have my doubts about the Riccia in the foreground too. It fluffs up so much that the Eleocharis doesn`t get the chance to overgrow it and make it look more a part of the scape. There is some just forcing itself across the front of the glass, so hopefully this will blend the Riccia in a little better.

Cheers Mike. It`s tropica Eleocharis `parvula`, and was first class quality. I have some Eleocharis acicularis and vivipara from Java-Plants (I think) in my 120l, and it is not half as good.

Thanks for the ego boost Sam. This tank certainly wasn`t without its algae problems, and has been fairly hard work because it never really had the plant mass of my 120l.

Here is proof for you doubters (that`s right Llj, i`m talking to you :lol: ) that I do actually keep fish in my tanks.

I tend to concentrate on depth of field when I photograph my tanks, which results in a slow shutter speed and, therefore, blurred fish. These get Photoshopped out. This photo was taken using a flash gun diffused in a home made light box sat above the tank.

Some practice is still needed, particularly with the background. Hopefully, BigDanne will come to the rescue here.


I quite like the effect of looking through blurry foreground plants to the scape beyond. Bit like you've got the HC one the left in the pics. Can be very effective.

Due to rampant growth overpowering the rocks, this tank is no longer an Iwagumi. Here is the next step in its life. Sorry for the first picture, but the light box I used was bowed out at the back without me realising. The photos were also taken straight after a water change, so there are bubbles all over the show.




Cheers, Dave.

From what I remember, it is wood I have collected on my ramblings. I try not to buy wood or rocks because nature supplies them for free, and you never know what you will get when you order. The piece in the tank is a few bits tied together.

If the current look doesn`t work out, I`ll break the tank down and try a whole new scape.

Hi Dave, thats some serious growth in there and i think it looks very good, the lush green plants look really healthy nice setup, merry christmas and a happy new year,regards john
Here is a hard scape I did a month ago, but haven`t had time to plant up just yet.



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