Danno's Nanos And Pico Journal

Lookin great so far :good:. And nice refractometer, I've got the same one :shifty:
wow, that is looking amazing.. Can reef and corals go together? or do they have to be separate?
Well my tank supports were completed today. I picked up some 2x4s at Home Depot about a week ago. Today I found some time after work (and some energy .. umph.. :S ) to sneek it under the tank. Yay no cracks and catastrophic disasers! I still have to build the molding. It is going to be removable and only 3 sided. I am going to make it removable so water doesn't pool in the lip. Cleaner to boot. Here is what the tank area is looking like now.


Picked up some nutri-seawater last weekend too. Though it would be a good idea if I don't have time to mix myself if I end up going on a weekend vacation or if an emergeny comes up. It was only 10 bucks.


I am still running the tank without a skimmer or a UV sterilizer. I'm questioning myself about the UV sterilizer....wouldn't that reduce planktonic growth? They are microscopic.... :/

Feather Duster and Firefish. The Firefish really likes this spot....

Clownfish and GSP:



Newer Mushroom:


Looks good, are you hatching your bbs in between your tanks?

Don't know about the clam, doesn't look like any I've seen, pretty blurry.
Thanks guys.

atmmachine: Yeah I hatch them their because it is the warmest between the two tanks. Plus both tank inhabitants like them. I'm getting some insane hatch rates recently...must be over 80%. I think my zoos like them most of all. They readily accept them.
Well I bought the kit but I don't care for the mix. I just bought the kit for the 2 liter bottle holder. :p I bought a tube of cysts at the fish store and I guess I got a good batch.
That was a squirt of BBS that I cultured for my fish tonight. BBS eggs are expensive :(
That was a squirt of BBS that I cultured for my fish tonight. BBS eggs are expensive :(

Really, their under 5$ for a small bottle for me that lasts me a Loooonnnggg time, still on my same bottle after several months.

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