Danno's Nanos And Pico Journal

I've just had a look at this thread. I can't believe your reef pics. They are so amazing. Now I wish I could start up something like that. That firefish was like nothing I've ever seen before. Where is it now?
In general, firefish are pretty common in larger fish stores. He is still around poking in and out of the rocks and attacking his food at feeding time. All the fish that I have gotten so far (except the internally parasitic low-quality clownfish I had in the beginning that died) are doing great. All alive and bonkering around.

The live rock in the previous pictures are about 1/2 cured at the moment and are in the tank since that is where I am curing it. I'll have to post pictures later because at the moment it is midnight.

I found this guy in the uncured tank so I took him out and he is temporarily being housed in my pico that is still getting coral ready by maturing.

Brittle Sea Star - 6"
Sad day at my house. Spike, my firefish, decided to go carpet surfing even with a tightly closed glass cover on the tank!!!! :crazy:

I feel really guilty right now...I just spent way too much on my pico :unsure:
The pico is getting a HUGE revamp. I purchased a duel satalite fixture for the top (12"). That will boost my light from 3 watts per gallon to 12 watts per gallon. I also grabbed a aquaclear50 filter for the pico. It will serve as a refuguem because my nitrates SUCK. The good thing is that this filter is made for a 50 gallon tank and it will boost my water volume by almost a liter. I'll take it. I am also planning on putting a sponge on the intake so the flow doesn't take the tank over. i.e: whirlpool.

My stands are all complete for the two 20 gallon tanks, and the canopies only need two more coats of polyurithane and they are all set for the tank. I also was able to make a coral rack out of some spare eggcrate. Might as well try my hand at it!

Picture will be up on Friday! (and sooner for the Pico)

I got my glass hood sealed up even more and I got another firefish. I'll take a picture of him soon too.

Until Fedex comes...
I just thought of something that could possibly be really bad :crazy:

Will this intense lighting bleach my mushrooms and zoos?
Go with a short light cycle to start... Say 4 hours and ramp it up by 15 minutes every day till you get to your desired schedule
Durning the "off" time should I cover the tank with a blanket to have it dark? It would get natural sunlight (to an extent). Would this screw them up?
I've just been through every page of this thread what a read...well done! :band:

Now I wonder if I can convince my health and safety person at work to have a nano on my desk....
Thanks norite :)

You could probably get a pico at least on your desk at work. Just don't tell the health and safety employee about zoathids. :lol: I don't touch them anymore after my last finger numbing experiance. :crazy:

Well, the pico when under the knife for the past few days. I read up on the web about some mods that people have done with picotopes and aquaclears. It seems like a very popular mod. The idea is to get a Aquaclear50 or 70 and turn it into a refugium and take the base tank like and hang that on the filter. I grabbed the AC50 and well, I think I need it a bit bigger, and I put a chip in it (stupid me). So I am currently getting a AC70 through Drs. Foster & Smith with a AC20 impeller. The AC20,30,50,and 70 impellers are all interchangable. Once that is all done the container that normally hold the sponge,carbon, and ceramic beads is taken out and cut into three pieces. The eggcrate looking part of the container is siliconed in front of the out-take so that the macroalgae isn't thrown out. Then a small piece of sheet acrylic is cut and placed in front of the impeller chamber as a baffle. At least this is what I am planning for my AC70, but I can't do anything until Fedex delivers it. :angry: I didn't come up with these plans so I can't take credit for it :lol:. I'm just so surprized how popular this mod is. :dunno:

This is the wrap-up so far on the pico reef:

Starting up the pico:

The first additions of live rock:

Added more live rock:

Started turning the AquaClear into a refugium:

Close up:

Attacked the live rock with a cement hammer and placed accordingly:

Actinics- you can see that my crappy camera is trying to autocorrect the color on the sand lol:

The back of the tank:


I plan on making a wooden box for it to sit on that can also hold my chemicals in it. It is too close to the ground if you know what I mean. I don't like bending over so I tend to elevate things (don't you ever wish yourself tall, it is a CURSE!, enjoy it if you are short :X )

Well this is the time in the post when I ask for some help. What do you think would look nice in the tank? What am I missing? What do you think that I could improve?
Very nice looking pico! I would add a small leather or sea whip to the right hand side of the tank. and a shrimp probabley a peppermint. other than that I like it.
Well guys this is my final post!

All tanks have been disassembled as of November 9th 2010. Fun while it lasted. Time to move into the real work being that I finally graduated with my degree! Woohoo!

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